Hi everybody,
Firstly, Ado thanks for encouraging me to write more, have felt a bit odd about committing everything to the page! You are so right about feeling self indulgent talking about being scared you will die, i feel the same.
So an update on how i am feeling. Firstly, I have had an horrific week since my operation, as i found the time in hospital so traumatic, due to the rubbish care rather than any breast related stuff. Thats why I havent felt up to posting much. feeling more up again now. Just been Sainsburys with my husband and boys and although I did all the thinking about what we needed ( as cupboards were bare…), my husband had to collect the stuff, push the trolley with the boys in, put up with their usual asking for stuff and then do the whole conveyor belt unloading and packing, putting shopping and kids in the car then unpacking at this end. Was quite amusing to see him realise how hard it is and also how dear it is when you pay!And was good to get out and have some semblance of normality.
The operation was alright. In the morning I had the radioactive stuff injected in my breast. Was a bit worked up about it but in fact it took just seconds and was like a small scratch, genuinely. Ten million times easier than the core biopsy. Then I had to walk to the other side of the hospital to have the wire put in the lump ( am avoiding the “t****r” word as freaks me out). It was weird as I had a gown on and no bra, is very odd walking with no bra on!
A Nurse took us over and was lovely. Everyone was extremely kind and gentle with me. They put me in a normal ultrasound room and gave me a local anaesthetic in my breast, which did hurt a bit but not much, though i did say the f word a good few times. ( i would here too if it didn’t mean my posts wouldn’t go up, and the c word, t word, sh word and many other words).Then they put the wire in, it was quite thin and looked about ten cm long. I didn’t feel pain just slight tugging and pressure. I didn’t watch but did see it sticking out after. They put a dressing over it then so I couldnt see it. They also had to put a cross with black marker on my breast to mark the correct one. I kind of thought that if the surgeon didn’'t take the huge clue of a wire sticking 9 cm out of my breast then I didn’t really want her doing the surgery!
Back then to the nuclear medicine dept where i waited for another hour until the radioactive stuff had spread enough. I had a gamma xray then where i lay down and this machine hovered over me, and then went to each side and i had to lie still in helpful positions while they built up 3 seperate pictures which took 5 minutes each.
After that, back to the main hospital where i was told i was on a different ward. The care on that ward was rubbish. Not going into it in detail as it was specific to me and I haven’t dealt with it in my head yet. My advice though is try and get your surgeon to authorise a pre med before hospital as going down without one freaked me out. Also ask them if your pain meds have been written so they can be put in by your cannula or a jab if need be as I was really sick after the anaesthetic so threw mine back up and then they were looking for a dr to sign up the other stuff. If you are on a non breast ward ( which is very unlikely) then ask if the link nurse from the breast ward has been made aware and has explained things as you should have one ( i didn’t).
Anyway, other than total rubbish basic nursing care, a dr came to see me and drew another arrow on the relevant breast, just in case the surgeon ignored the 9 cm wire and the big black cross and decided to operate on the other breast. I was terrified going to the operating room but hey, I made it out the other side. The waiting was much much worse than the actual anaesthetic, and I don’t remember anything til waking up in recovery and starting to chuck my guts up! Apparently I had had a discussion with my surgeon when i had first been brought round but can’t remember.
I came home on Tuesday. Avoid the back route home to miss the traffic as even though it is quicker, the speed bumps are a killer… Slept straight from 7.30pm til 5.30 wednesday morning.
I have a big round plaster round my breast which looks like a big corn plaster, with my nipple sticking out. It has plastic waterproof sticky stuff over it. Then I have a smaller steri strip type dressing under my arm with the same clear sticky stuff over it. There is a lot of bruising and swelling so i don’t know what it looks like yet.
I can shower fine. The no deodrant thing is wierd and i feel smelly. I bought three bras and am glad i did as i wear one through the night. I wish i had bought a blck one as i can’t wear some of my tops now as got a stupid thick white bra strap showing. The m and s post surgery bra is the prettiest and softest and comfiest and was also cheapest.
I had really good movement early on and am just on paracetamol. Physically its not been that bad, emotionally it has taken its toll. I expected to feel a lot better to have got this out of the way, but I haven’t and have see-sawed back to near the start. I have plummeted to the depths and been convinced I am going to die, and in a very “final destination” way decided there was no point fighting this as it is going to come and get me in the end anyway so why put myself through this now?
I have lay in bed, looking out of my window, thinking i wonder if i will be lying here when i die or will I be in a hospice? I have rehearsed my last conversations with my family and children and made myself sob. I have written my gravestone inscription and newspaper death announcement. Didn’t manage to sort out the funeral hymns though, got to save something for me to do next time I plummet!
But after 3 days of this, I got up yesterday, had a shower and put proper make up on and even straightened my hair. Blusher can do wonders and seeing myself looking more normal really helped. Went out yesterday to the pictures with my boys and husband, and been sainsburys today, and getting out helps, though is exhausting.
results should be late this week and am beyond terrified. Cannot cope with one iota of worse news. I decided my son had meningitis on wednesday night and had a full blown panic attack, when in fact it was obvious to anyone that he had a slight virus.
so anyway thats what I’ve been up to, thanks for reading this far.