Bump for penny. Read thevfirst few posts and know that now, less than a year on, after surgery Chemo and radiotherapy, my life is getting back on track and I am feeling like me again. X
thanks tors / vickie for bumping your threads xxx I found many mirrored feelings in what you have said and also ironically you also have the same first name and nick name as one of my closest friends!!! Yes i am also struggling with the children part and knowing when to tell them stuff sometimes it seems as thought they are not listening but the next day ask me questions about what they where apparently not listening too … teenagers what can i say lol !!! Im having a single mx with expander fitted in the same op i have grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma with lymph nodes testing positive not sure how many as of yet untill after op i am also estrogen postive. So mx chemo and hormone treatment def on the cards 50/50 on the radio as of yet be to be frank knowing my crappy luck prob a def also. Just for the record i am slightly bitter and annoyed as my daughter said today why you mom ? my reply was why not i consider myself lucky compared to some people in this world it was caught at a fairly early stage, woke up with what looked like a cauliflower boob over night if it hadnt been for that boob looking slightly alien i prob wouldnt of know as soon as i did. I am also quite young for invasive bc according to my excellent and very witty bc nurse so they are throwing the book of treatments at me. Kind of feel like harry potter but without the fame attached lol. Anyway i now know i am rambling on a bit if anyone in a simaliar situation would like to get in contact with me for anything at all feel free to pm me xxx
Penny xxx
Just bumping this up for mummy29. X
Hi, I did post on another page but started to read this topic.
I am 34 and have been diagnosed with 10mm grade 3 carcinoma, ive had a WLE and axillary node clearance as 1 node was postive when I had SNB, when had WLE there was clear margins. I am also HER postive, ER 4/8 (not sure what that means) and PR negative.
I am now awaiting my results from the axillary node clearance and I am so scared that it has spread further???
Due to start treatment once I get these results.
I just keep thinking about my future, I have an 18 month old girl and my fiance and they are my life.
Sorry feeling abit low today : (
Best wishes to you all
Donna xxxx
Bumping up fpr manny.
Bumping for Sam x