Hello Everyone

Hi Elliepup

We all know exactly how you feel. I still think I am going to wake up and it will all have been a dream but as everyone says just baby steps to start with until you get over the shock. It does start to get better.


Thanks for your positive post. As someone who is node positive and is now awaiting the result of an axillary clearance it is good to hear your story.

Barbara x

I was diagnosed on 3oct just had my results back not good but doctor very positive have to have lump removed and chemo and radio therpy
like you not uptodate with all the medical words
once you have got past the waiting and get a treatment plan you will feel much better
keep us posted

Indeed Sarah - its so refreshing to see a positive post - I know there are positive messages out there - but when you’re in the midst of it - only negative things seem to stand out, everytime I turn on or over the TV there is an add about cancer - this week there is a brand new tv campaign about lung cancer awareness *SHOCK FACE* - whats that all about - are they talking to me???

But I appreciate your story Sarah because try as I might I cant find anything about someone being upgraded and what that meant for them.

I ache all over at the moment I think im coming down with something so of course every ache I feel im in the “Its spreading” mode.

I just want to get my results and get my on going treatment started… 2 weeks post op seems forever!!!

Elliepup - sending you some hugs hun (((HUGS)))

Hi libralady

just read these postings. I can relate to everything you have said and felt, from diagnosis ive gone through stages of postiveness and emotional turmoil with my mind being my worst enemy.

I had a bit of a low day recently (build up of nerves for picc line and first chemo) and my friend said this to me which helped so i want to share…

‘this is going to hit you regularly like a brick wall, one brick at a time, dont chuck those bricks away, keep them to rebuild your life when all this is behind you’

Dont fight tears, let them out its all part of the process and they do tend to make you feel a little better after.

Everyone is here for you, dont forget that x

Hi Libralady,

I had a similar diagnosis to yours last month (I was dx the week before my 39th birthday, so I can sympathise with yours coming so close to a birthday) I was initially told my tumour was 2cm, grade 2 and ER+/HER- and I would only need rads. But after my WLE and SNB, at my follow up on Monday I was told I would need chemo as well as rads, even though my nodes were clear, due to my age and the size of the tumour which turned out to be bigger thank expected at 3.5cm. Your surgeon will be able to tell you more at your follow up. Hopefully you have someone to go with you. I didn’t for mine and I don’t think I took everything in properly, so I’m going back to see my surgeon on Monday to ask some questions and this time I’m taking a friend.


I really, really feel for you girls. I’m now three and half years out from dx but I remember so well how it felt. I created a file on on my PC for my funeral arrangements because I didn’t think I would see another year. Every result from the hospital seemed to get worse and worse.

I ended up with grade 3, 3/24 nodes involved, ER/PR+, HER2- even though my initial biopsy/scans said ‘grade 2 and no indication of node involvement’. On learning that I needed chemo I was gobsmacked and scared stiff. Chemo was not pleasant but necessary (there’s plenty of info/help on here). It soon passed and I was out the other side, wondering how soon my hair would grow and when I could go on holiday!

It will soon pass and will feel like a bad dream, and you’ll get on with your life.

Just remember that people who come on here are having problems, or newly dx. Those years out rarely post as they are getting on with life (as I am most of the time).

Take care & good luck
