Hello, I am new

Hi all. 
I had my breast clinic appointment yesterday after finding a lump in my left breast.  No other symptoms.  I had the mammogram followed by ultrasound and was told by the Dr that she was concerned with what she had seen and wanted to take biopsies and insert markers.  Biopsies were taken from the original lump, a smaller lump that I hadn’t felt and also a lymph node.

They have said that this is likely cancer and to await results.  Case to be discussed in MDT next Thursday and I guess I will then know more.   I feel pretty shell shocked.  I don’t know want I am supposed to do with myself now?! It all feels so surreal.

just thought I would join for support and to offer support.  I am a single parent of 3 amazing kids and work in the NHS.


I’m so sorry you’ve been hit by the emotional turmoil of a probable breast cancer diagnosis. It’s important to remember that this is normal, if very uncomfortable. It’s described as an emotional rollercoaster and I can’t dispute this.

You’ve definitely chosen the right site. I’ve been a regular for over two years and it’s a source of support, information, experience and wise advice. The nurse’s telephone service is excellent if something is bugging you or you want to offload. 

I would offer you two pieces of advice:

  1. Don’t go near Google. It will make things worse. If you want medical information, ring the nurses here. I can’t tell you the number of women on here who regret that moment of ‘I wonder of Google has the answer’, myself included! 

  2. Accept that emotional turmoil is a normal reaction to something that’s removed your sense of safety and arouses such fear. Try not to second guess your MDT with worst case scenarios. As an NHS worker, you’re probably familiar with patients who have worked themselves into a frenzy unnecessarily. This really is one step at a time. You don’t know what to do with yourself?  Make YOU a top priority. Look for sources of support. I still use the YouTube videos by Progressive Hypnosis I discovered three years ago. They can help with going to sleep and regaining some perspective.

I hope things run smoothly for you. It’s all manageable. Not nice but manageable!

Jan x


I went through all of this last year I finished my treatment end of April this year.
I think waiting for the diagnosis and then for treatment to start was the worst part of it all for me I just wanted to get on with it all.
I came on here first to read and then I hope, to offer some support to other ladies going through breast cancer treatment (I found/find it a huge help talking to other members).
The most valuable thing I learned here was that there is NO right or wrong way in how to deal with this. We are all different and whatever works for you then ‘bag’ it and take it home

For me, I did eventually come to terms with it - you have to in order to keep your strength up during the treatment, all the nurses were brilliant they lifted my spirits through all of my treatment.
I got a lot of good advice from my breast care nurse I asked her lots of questions which she always answered.

Yes, there are grey clouded days and your moods will be all over the place - just go with the flow of your body/mind (one of the chemo nurses said to me) if you want to eat ice cream all day, then do so! Can you imagine being given permission to do that - I was ecstatic.

Lots of hugs and best wishes

Poppy xx


Sorry to hear you are waiting for results.

Difficult I know but until you know for definite, try your best to carry on as best you can.

Let the forum know your results and everyone on here will be with you whatever the outcome.

The waiting is the worst - been there but when you know for definite, something in you will deal with it and fight it.

We all find a strength we didnt know we had.

This forum and BCN generally are invaluable. 



Hello and welcome, I was in your position when I had the exact same news on the 16th June. This forum (& Macmillan) have been my greatest source of information and comfort. I’ve connected with many women who I text weekly from this site. I’ve never googled once. 

The waiting is the worst, I took each day one at a time and didn’t think any further than the next appointment. I did nice things and was kind to myself. Once you know your official diagnosis and the plan they have for you is shared, you will feel much better.

Lou x