Hello - In a state and stressed

Hi March 13, everybody’s experience of chemo is different. I was at the Maggies Cancer Care Centre last week and one of the ladies had her last chemo and had been out riding her bike with her son. She had very little of the side effects and looked fab. Another lady who had chemo at the same time as me had managed to go to work some of the time. Going for the chemo is very scary, but i found thinking about it one hurdle at a time helped me get through. The chemo nurses were great and there can be a sense of community with all the other patients, sometimes you meet others who become firm friends. I didn’t joint BCC Community during my treatment, but wish I had. Some people seem to know just what to say to help you smile through your journey.
I know it can be hard when you are usually the person in control and you are still trying to support everyone else just now, but give your family a chance to be there for you as it will help them feel they are doing something to help.
It can be a tough journey, but with the strength you obviously have I am sure you will get through.
Take care
Annie c xx

Hi Ann…you will get through this with the support of those who love you :slight_smile: I hate vomiting! If you haven’t bought already, try a couple of ginger biscuits before you get up in the morning, travel sickness wristbands and good quality crystalised ginger. The meds should prevent nausea and sickness, but if they don’t, then tell your Onc who will prescribe something more effective. Try to visualise, if you can, chemo being the sparkly belt and braces designed to kill off any rogue cells!
This time next year you will look back in amazement at what you’ve been through and your courage at dealing with it. You will be writing an encouraging post like this (I finished chemo last June)…take care x

Maryland! Sparkly belt and braces- I love this and will try to hang onto it as I have my tests and first session this week. Thanks!