How are you all doing?? Sorry iv not been around but been very busy at work and now started a course on holistic therapy (with loads of homework).
Well im much better now and just about to finish my 2nd lot of anti bis for the infection after the surgery. Had the first lot from the hospital but got a phone call last week from GP saying the tabs they put me one wouldnt get rid of the infection and had to go on a strong course…grrrrrrrrr took 2 weeks for them to tell me. Was having bad headaches and shakes and they said it was because the infection was going round my body.
Anyway enough about me… im missing you all loads and do think of you all the time, so please if you have time tell me how you are all doing.
lots and lots of love to you all
take care sweethearts
love claire xxxxxxxxxxx
HELLO CLAIRE~ so good to hear from you! I have been wondering how you were doing. Hope the antibiotics do the trick FINALLY! Well done you for getting back into the swing of things with work and a new course. Hope you are enjoying it.
I am doing fine. Still getting pain into my armpit on that one side but I think everything is ok otherwise. Haven’t felt the lump at-all since the core biopsy weeks ago. Just too scared in case it hurts and I guess I just don’t want to feel it and be reminded! But I will have to check some time… the doc said to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t grow.
Lovely to hear from you again. Glad to hear that everything is now ok with you and you are getting your life back to normal again with work and everything. Sounds like things are going good though and homework - rather you than me - but as long as you are enjoying it thats the main thing.
Hope the antibiotics are working as well this time and that you can put it all behind you.
Nothing to report really from me. Half way through chemo now and starting taxotere on Wednesday, getting a bit scared about that, after reading all the posts on here about side effects. But if it works, bring it on …
Take care and hopefully hear from you again soon. Need to email Louby too, as not really been on much recently and got her email address though. Hope her dog is ok with the pups, not sure when they are due.
Anyway, got x factor on sky plus so gotta go and finish watching it.
It’s good to hear from you. The course sounds good, even if it does mean loads of homework!
I haven’t been here very much lately, either, so a big hello to all of my old buddies here. Hi Dawn and Nanny! And ceegra? Are you about, hon? Apologies for not putting in an appearance for a while but I won’t bore you with the details of why. I’ll just say that life is being rather hectic and I have some major changes to deal with at the moment.
You ladies are still on my prayer list every day, though. Just because I don’t come here much; it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten you all. Take care and keep smiling.
So nice to hear from you and to know that your life is turning around nicely and getting back to normal.
Unfortunately I only have sad news, my Dad died a couple of weeks ago and his funeral was last Thursday. He is now at peace and out of pain, God bless him. The funeral though was lovely, the weather was so warm and sunny. My brother accidentally walked into the back of the coffin as it was being carried into the Church, caused quite a giggle, Dad was probably looking down in fits of laughter too! My son has been very poorly with a chest infection to the point that he and hubby couldn’t go to the funeral - they were both very upset but nothing we could do about it.
Hope you carry on getting your life back to normal - its great to hear success stories so drop in again and cheer us all up.
Kelly so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you are coping ok. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Beano… sorry your life has been hectic lately. Sounds like it’s been hard, hope you are doing ok in the midst of it all?
Dawn… thinking of you too as you plod on with the treatment. Hope you don’t get too many side effects. I read your posts with awe as you have such a positive attitude. I am sure it is very hard at times but I know you have encouraged so many.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I lost my Dad last year and stilll miss him terribly but we too gave him a great send off. We celebrated his life to the point where one of my cousins wrote to my Mum and said how much she “enjoyed” Dad’s funeral! I’ve no doubt Dad would have been tickled pink about that. Of course, you’ll miss your Dad but it’s a great comfort to know that he is at peace and watching over you as I’m sure he is. Love and prayers to you and your family.
I’m feeling a bit like a coiled spring at the moment and wondering where it’s all going to end. I expect to be moving house soon so, hopefully, will be a bit more settled after that and I’ll fill you all in, then.
Don’t forget, though, you’re all in my thoughts and prayers.
I also send my apologies for dissapearing also got alot going on here…waiting to go back to see my consultant and see if the cells are still present and if they are then will have to go for the op…anyway not really thinking of that right now!!
Sorry to hear of the loss of your dad Kelly!!
I am expecting Dalmatian pups from my bitch any day so will be tied more to the house and will try popping back more often again!
Dawn how is the new chemo???
Still think of you all all he time and sending you all lots of love and hugs
Its getting like old times girls with all the “invisible friends” back in one forum. Keep well everyone, wishing you good news LJ, keep us posted and God bless.
Hi ladies! It IS good to see so many of you still on here! It seems so long ago that I was going through the whole waiting thing and now there are a whole bunch of new ladies facing the same thing.
I am doing well although I am still getting stabbing pains in the same breast and up into armpit. Still have not felt the lump since my core biopsy as I have bascially not been taking ANY notice of my breasts since I was at the clinic. Just feel like it’s all over with now and I dont want to think about it anymore.
However, I am not sure whether I should be bothered about the pain or not. At least I know the lump is a fibroadenoma but would that cause pain? Or maybe it’s all hormonal! But the left breast is still fine so something in the right one isn’t feeling the best.
Claire, glad your doing ok, the course sounds like fun, but also too much like hard work lol.
Nanny, hello to you too, you sound pretty similar to me in your situ, though my “problem” breast at the mo is my left one! Stick at it and I’m sure everything will come good in the end.
Dawn, I have always said how brave and courageous you are, I’m sure there are anxeities with your new treatment, here’s hoping and praying it works well for you.
Kelly, I’m sorry for your loss, I’m sure he’s looking down on you and still taking care of you.
Beano, sounds like you’re having a time of it too hun. Hope things are getting easier for you now.
Hope I haven’t missed anyone. If I have I’m sorry, and your doing good too!
I was due to have my op on Monday next week, though I got a phone call to say they are doing it noe the week after instead. Dont know why really. Could be that I have already been under anaestetic once this month already, or because my bloods were showing infection, which they would with appencitis! Or it could just be that there is a more urgent case than mine, which if that the case then I’ll not complain… if someone needs treatment more than I do then I shall not stand in their way! I had geared myself up for the op though, and now its been put back another week and back at square one again with my nervs!
Hi Dawn sorry I havn’t replied somehow after reading your email I deleted it and can not find your email address?? weird compuotors are not my best subject…can you email me again? hope your ok? Love loubyjane xx