
Hi Caro,

I have met with the oncologist and they have now told me they have found more DCIS and grade 2 areas so I am going with the double mastectomy. I really dont trust the mamogram and ultrasound saying the other sides clear when it might not be
Since I have made my mind up I feel so much more settled and know its the right decsison.
Not going in untill 7th Sept as going to have a few days away with the kids and my hubby and then it will all start.
I am going to start chemo 2/3 weeks later so it will be all systems go.
Mum was 52 when she had it but also my paternal grandma had it and we dont know about my maternal grandma as she died at 60 of throat cancer.
I just feel its the right decision and can get reconstruction next year.
How quick did you recover after the Op as they have said I may be in up to a week, Did you have reconstruction?
Thanks for your advice and support its such a minefield!!
Hows things going with your treatment??

Nicki XXX

Hey Nicki

Glad to hear you’ve made your decision and are happy with it. I felt the same way once I’d decided; I just knew it was the right choice for me. The op wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it’d be. I am the world’s biggest whimp and was absolutely cr*pping the surgery! Was convinced I was going to die on the table, lol. I actually lost quite a bit of blood during the op, which worried me a bit. Luckily I avoided a transfusion though and was just put on a course of iron tablets. Despite all that, I went home the day after surgery! Not sure why they’re telling you you may be in for a week… do you have any underlying health conditions? I was told 2 nights max. I didn’t have much pain with it and just took a few paracetemol for a couple of days. The worst part for me was having the drains removed, but it was over in a few seconds. That might delay your return home, as some hospitals don’t like sending you home with drains in; luckily I had my drains removed a few hours before going home.

As for the psychological impact; I was hesitant to look for a couple of days, and when I first did it wasn’t exactly a pretty sight! However, I soon got used to the change in my appearance and now don’t mind one bit. I didn’t have recon and not sure that I ever will.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family. Try not to think about the bc bullsh*t while you’re away. I’ll be thinking of you on the 7th, let us know how you get on.

Love and hugs,
Caro xx

PS. I’m starting chemo, 6 x FEC, this coming Monday. Wish me luck! x

Hi Nicki

I was in for 7 days following double mastectomy but I did have a full axillary clearance on one side and I’d had chemo first which probably slowed my healing a bit. The main reason though why I was in so long was becuase of the amount of fluid coming out in my drains both sides and they wanted it to reduce before I went home. Once it reduced down to a much smaller amount I was able to go home with two drains left in and district nurse visiting. Sounds bad but it was actually okay and I was glad to get home. Had drains out a week later and that was completely painless for me.

Everyone is different, I had a lot of pain on one side post op and this lasted for about 10 days and then settled. Had plenty of painkillers though to ease things.

Not saying any of that to put you off but just to say some people sail through and for others it can take a bit longer.

I have to say having a double mastectomy was the best decision I have made. I had no cancer in the right side but I feel much happier not having to keep worrying about that particularly as the cancer in the left side had been so difficult to spot until it got very large.

I looked at my wound as soon as I got back to the ward and it was as I had expected. You do get used it, I’m now about 8 weeks post op. Also showed my husband straight away and he’s got used to it now too. I think it’s very unlikely that I’ll have a reconstruction.

Good luck with it all.

Caro - hope the FEC goes well.

Elinda x

Hi ladies
i am also single having finished with my long term boyfriend over a year ago.Im 36 and was just starting my nursing degree in Manchester when i discovered a lump and then had it checked out. I have IDC too 6cm. I have already had 3 rounds of chemo and will have 5 more and then some kind of surgery depending on how the lump has shrunk.Its hard being single as i know that during treatment it is unlikely i will meet someone and im not even sure i would be ready too. I have no kids either and so im at home alone alot of the time trying to keep busy.My studies have been put off till Sept 2010.

Anyone else in the North west?Near Manchester/Wigan?


Hi Dancing Queen

Welcome to the forums, sorry you’ve had to join us.

I’ve had three rounds of FEC so far, and will be onto my 4th lot next week.

I’m a Manchester lass too. There are a few of us young 'uns on here from the Manchester Area I think. Are you being treated at Christies?

BCC are hosting a younger women’s forum in Warrington in Sept, which may be of interest to you.

How are all you other girlies getting on? Hope everyone is getting through their treatments ok?

Caro, how was your 1st FEC-ing this week.

Take care All

Love AM x

Welcome Dancingqueen. I too am 36 and childless. Married to a lovely bloke though. Can totally empathise with you being stuck at home alone all day bored; I’m feeling totally the same. Spent most of today slobbed out on the sofa watching cr*p daytime tv! Unfortunately I’m stuck down in Plymouth, where there doesn’t seem to be many of us young(ish) ones :frowning: I think you’ll find there’s quite a few young ladies in your area, apart from AM there’s also Pixielox and Poppet.

Hey AM, had first FECing yesterday. So far not too bad; fingers crossed! Just been feeling quite nauseous on and off today and a bit out of it; bit like a mild hangover really! How’re things with you?

Caro xxx

caro glad your feeling ok after getting FECed.

dancing queen i got BC at 37 i was diagnosed the day i qualified as midwife… iv since had a new primary diagnosed.

i was single the first time but since then have met my partner and got engaged and plan to get married in about 18 months… i felt there would be no hope for me finding a partner as a single mum of two and a past Hx of cancer… but i was wrong.

as for nursing i run the student nurse website the links in my profile… so why not join when you are ready to go back to uni and you will get loads of support from us.

good luck with your treatment

love Lulu

Hi Dancing Queen

I was diagnosed last Sept, I was 34 and single, no kids.
I too find days boring and a drag, can’t wait till this is all finished and get back to normal, maybe a nice man will come along some day.

Hope everything goes well for you

Sharon xx

hiya dancing queen,
I’m a single manchester gal too. Split up with boyfriend during all this - just before dx. Having issues with this at the mo too, though i do have loads of support from friends and family. I’m also booked on the warrington forum - i believe there are still spaces available. I attend a support group at christies too - tho currently i think there are only about 4 or 5 members!

Hi Ladies.

Its sounds like all you lovely ladies are in the North West wierd really as I am originally a northern lass from Macclesfield but now residding down south in Bedfordshire.

Thanks all for your feedback on mastectomy as it gets closer its becoming more real.

Glad your feeling okay Caro hope you continue to do so.

Makes me realise how lucky I am to have my hubby and kids at home as day time TV is a nightmare although C beebies isnt much better…

Had a real wobble today about the double mastectomy on the 7th, think its beacuse it my last day at work tommorow and dreading saying goodbye knowing next time I see them it will all be over and chemo will have started.

Hope you all have a lovely bank holiday

Nicki XXX

Hi Dancingqueen

I’m 34, single (well kind of its complicated won’t bore you with the details) have no kids and sometimes still feel like I’m trapped in a bizarre version of my own life. However taking each day as it comes and have started to meet some fantastic, strong, positive women on here whom are fast becoming brilliant friends.
I too am attending the Young Womens Forum in Warrington in a a few weeks (this will be just be before cycle 2 for me…may have some kind of head shaving ceremony if necessary when there-hoping the cold cap may work thou for me)looking forward to meeting all who attend.
Rest assured you’re not alone when it comes to this cr*p hand we’ve been dealt, we all have bad days but knowing that advice/help is on hand at the touch of a keyboard or at the end of a phone makes me feel a whole lot better.

x x

Hello ladies,

I’m also in the North West. Just had my Mx and ANC a week ago and am bored already. It wasn’t bad at all, though I am a bit sore now. I was hellish glad to get rid of those drains. I ended up being in hospital for 5 days post op as one of the drains was rather juicy. Won’t get my results for a couple of weeks as my Consultant is away for a bit, although I’m hoping to get in to see his Reg just for the results bit. I’m trying to do my exercises religiously as the sooner I can get out and about and driving the better. Otherwise I’m going to spend huge amounts of money on internet shopping sites.

Good luck to everyone who’s having surgery/chemo. I sent for a ton of leaflets from BCC (under the health professionals bit) which were really helpful.

Kerry x

I feel suddenly like I’m hitting the wall. At 100mph. With a Bacardi Black and coke in one hand and an emergency cig in the other. And all to a Kings of Leon soundtrack.


special k - sounds like my idea of heaven!!! Gotta say though the boredom is getting to me too now…4 months into not being at work and although i don’t want to go back (cant deal with kids beating eachother up and robbing old ladies at the mo!)definitely need something to allieviate the soul! Already done the spending loadsa of money on the internet but now i’m down to half pay gotta put the brakes on that!
Good luck with the results in a couple of weeks.
in the meantime keep up the exercise and kings of leon tuneage!

Heh pixie! I must admit it’s not out of character for me either :0).

I’ve seen the BCN today and had a large seroma drained. It looked like a blancmange growing under my armpit. She drew off 250 mls, it felt better straight away but now I’m sore as hell. I think I might have to bite the bullet and go back onto the bowel busting painkillers. But not before my visitors come tonight in case they bring alcohol. I’ve also wrestled myself into a sports bra to see if that helps. I might have to wear it for the rest of my life as I don’t think I’ll ever get it off again. Unless I cut it off.

Hey ho.

Hope everyone else is doing ok!


Hi special K
I’ve got a second seroma under my armpit but they don’t fancy draining it at the mo cos of the chemo - its not that big i have to say, but can be a little uncomfy - i also panic unduely about anything lumpy and bumpy in this particular area. They said it may go of its own accord but still a little worried that i’ll be stuck with it for ever then wont be able to tell if there is anything more sinister lurking underneath at a later date!
Anyway, i’ll see how it goes in the next couple of weeks. The nurse who drained the first one said they can go hard over time but when i mentioned my concerns to BCN she said they didn’t - dunno who to believe and really don’t fancy being stuck with a bulbous armit! Did they say anything to you about the potential of it turning hard if left?
hope evryone is doing ok too!

Hello, not sure why I started reading this thread, but did and have enjoyed it so much. I am just outside the younger women age group (50) but was diagnosed first at 38 with IDC (9.9mm), grade 1 no lymph involvement - had mx and tamox and this community didn’t exist then - I think it would have changed everything for me. My kids were then 11 and 9 and the issues we went through then coloured their whole upbringing. I wanted them to know me as a person and not just ‘mam’, just in case, and was also conscious that I had to know them as people.
anyway, here I am at 50, they’re 23 and 21, bigger and dafter than ever (and still at home with us - sort of). Diagnosed with a local recurrence after 12 well years, this one is a different monster, but will have to be dealt with.
I was a bit jealous when I heard you are mainly in the NW - I’m in the NE otherwise I would have gatecrashed your get together - sounds like it will be great!
hope you all take care of yourselves. I would assure you that my scenario is the exception to the rule, and also, that I have been very well in the intervening years and have moved on in all ways since '97.
when you meet up , have a pint for me!
love, monica xx

Hi I too like Daisyleaf landed on this thread and read through all the messages. I feel so sad that so many of you young girls are having to deal with this horror of a disease. I just want to let you know that I had a 5.5cm tumour at aqe 39, two kids 7 and 14 and was a s scared as hell. I have had reoccurence and have been on chemo again, but never in a month of Sundays would I have imagined I would be here still. I am 59 now. I wish I could have helped you, SpecialK and all you other young lasses. But take courage, not all diagnosis means the worst …I thought it did…and life is good again. Not sure this will help you but that is the intention of this message. One day at a time girls, love Val XX

I too was dx at the age of 39 and was single at the time with two children the youngest being just 12 weeks old thought it was the end of my world as it was an aggressive form with node involvement but hey ho that was over 13 years ago now and i have led a well and full active life since, due to excellent care from the christie hospital, was discharged last year but am still on hormone treatment, just want to wish all you young ladies well and to let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel, treatment is do able and you will come through this.