I’m ‘freshly diagnosed’, returning next week to be advised upon how to proceed…my question/dilemma is this - I have a job interview the day before and I’ve been struggling to find work for 7 months!
Do I continue with the interview? Do I mention that I have just been diagnosed with cancer?
I’m not in a position to turn down work and it seems almost a cruel twist of fate that this opportunity is presenting itself within the same 24 hours that I’ll be listening to my doctor’s advice.
I’d be starting in September - 8 weeks away if that helps anyone with their advice? I would be working with young people with learning difficulties.
I’m not telling many people about the cancer - it’s been a bit of a rubbish year, & this just seems like one more thing I’m sure everyone is fed of me moaning!
Hi, if you have a look under Employment, travel and Financial issues down the left hand side of the page you’ll find a thread called "Tell or not Tell by Milo it’s an interesting discussion which is very relevant to your situation. Best wishes Pat x
I was jobsearching for a teaching job when I was diagnosed in June but, as I don’t know yet just what treatment I’ll be having, how long it will take or how I will feel, I’ve put the jobsearching on hold to concentrate on getting better.
Of course, when I’m back to jobsearching, I’ll have to decide whether to tell about my cancer or not.
Hi Inannajones, I’d go for the interview if you feel up to it but not mention your dx at this stage, if you get the job you can then make a decision as to wether or not to take it and if necessary discuss withrhem what you are going through once you have your treatment plan and so know what will be involved. Good luck xx
Hi go for the interview .you have nothing to lose and say nothing.if you are lucky enough to get the job then sort things out then not now.it may be a few weeks or even months before anything starts anyway .good luck