Help - am so scared

Hi All

Just had my first session of chemo today - went OK actually, although hospital running 2 hours behind, cos someone had the cheek to call in sick. Really emotional going and also while waiting, but once started all went smoothly and OK. Feeling OK but quite tired and drained now. But it wasn’t as bad as I though (although first one) and now waiting to see what symptoms occur. Scariest bit is being told about temperature rising etc, and maybe being admitted to hospital for 2 nights as could get infection!!! Joy of joys. But anyone about to start, it really wasn’t too bad having it, just gotta wait and see how react. Least I know that we are now doing something to beat it, so might start to chill out a little (well as best can).

Thanks again for all support. Makes it more doable.


Well done Dawn…you’re on the way. Hope your side effcts are minimal!!!
Take care

Hi Dawn

Welcome to the Chemo Club then ! Glad it wasnt as bad as you thought, and hope you’re feeling ok. Don’t worry too much about the temperature thing - I went straight out and bought a thermometer, and think I used it every day initially as I was paranoid that I would come down with something awful, but I soon got bored with that and its shoved away in a drawer somewhere now.

Overall, listen to your body and when it tells you it wants to rest, make sure you do !

Take care

Love Julie xx

Hi Dawn,

good on 'ya, you are now a fully paid up member of the ‘chemo caners’ club! Welcome!! I am so pleased your first session went well and wasn’t anywhere near as scary as you had first feared (as we all do!). May your side-effects be almost non-existent!!

Take care of yourself, and I know its a cliche but ‘listen to your body’ and please don’t go over doing things,

Take care,


Hi All

Well today not so bad, although didn’t get up til 11.15. Grandad and Daddy looked after the babes for me. Not done too much today, and not felt sick or anything, just quite tired and drained of much energy. Went out this afternoon and bought a wig - £200 but worth it, as is nice and very similar to my hair before had cut, so hopefully will feel as normal as can when hair starts to disappear.

Anyway, hope everyone else is OK today and am hoping that I feel ok for rest of week and weekend.

Thanks for your msg Julie about temperature worries, am still freaking out about it, but trying not to worry and doing as you say - listen to my body.
Thanks Kellie for your msg too and am not doing too much at all and resting when need to, although its quite hard with an 8 month old that is crawling and standing at every opportunity oblivious to dangers and a 3 year old screaming around the house!!!

But they keep me going and make me so determined to fight.


Hi Dawn

Aw, sounds like you’re getting along really well, keep the fighting spirit going. Great you’ve got the grandad and daddy running after you for a change.

Wig sounds great, best to be prepared.

Good luck to you for the rest of your journey.


Oh and as I said on the other thread will keep you posted on the honey!

Cecelia. x

Hi Dawn
thought I would leave you a little note!
Well done in I too had my first one yesterday and the wait was not good! so can sympathize,
But it was not as bad as I thought…
Im sure people have told you to listen to your body…
take care and well done on your 1st one!
how many more? I got 5 over 18wks seems so far away…
keep us informed
cyber hugs


Hi Dawn,
Glad your first chemo went O.K. for you, As you know I had mine Monday so not far behind you, still feel relatively well apart from the tiredness but just resting when I feel the need to, hope you are too. At least now we know what to expect when we go for our next sessions. Im drinking loads of filtered water, invested in a jug and its marvellous
really seems to help. Hope your side effects stay minimul Dawn, Keep in Touch.

Hi All

Mel, I have 5 more sessions over 18 weeks too - so probably finishing around the same time, next FEC is 29th August - every 3 weeks. No sickness still, although told when finish my steroid anti sickness which is today, tomorrow might be a very tired, sleepy and not so good day, so waiting to see. Well done on your first chemo too and hope you have no side effects.

Jillian - am trying to drink lots of water - have one of them american fridge things with water filter built in so enjoying that with ice. Side effects very minimal but as said above, waiting to see what tomorrow brings now finished the steriod anti sickness tablets.

Having a very emotional day today - had about 40 mins blubbing to myself and my baby, as my little girl Sophie gone to a friends for the morning and hubby popped into work. But have pulled myself up and trying to get control of emotions again.

Hope everything having good day and enjoying sunshine.

Catch up later

Hi Dawn

Hope you’re feeling better today - yes keep up with the water - your fridge is the same as mine, and I drink gallons of iced water after chemo to try and wash it out of my system. IF (and its a big IF), you do have any sickness issues, enquire about Cyclizine. I suffered a lot with sickness unfortunately, and these are the only tablets which work for me. I take 3 a day every day now, to keep the sickness at bay. All I have to contend with now is aching legs, tiredness and numb fingers and toes !
Everyones side effects can differ though, and you’ll probably be one of the lucky ones who sail through it ! (lets hope so). As for the crying, give in to it girl - we all go through that at the beginning and its perfectly normal.

Anyway, keep smiling, and enjoy the sunshine this weekend !

Lots of love Julie xx

Hi Dawn,
Hope you are feeling ok.
Slept solid for 12 hours. I have not really felt sick - only on the way back from Ikea - found ginger bisccuits were a find!
Woke up this morning with my left arm red a v. warm - hope this is normal. but as for any other effects feeling great!!! bummer as the sun is out & was adviced to stay out of it - why??? any ideas…

Hope you all ok
cyber hugs

Hi All

Feeling better today than yesterday, just been to Sainsburys with Sophie, even though done my online shopping with Tescos for Monday!! Lazy I know, but just can’t be bothered traipsing round supermarkets doing big shops.

Not as yet, had any side effects (touch wood) - probably just put the kybosh on that now!!! Slept pretty much all night, apart from Sophie trying to come in our bed about 1ish, and hubby putting her back. No numb fingers or toes, or anything, and sickness tabs doing trick although off main ones now though, so hope the others still work.

I haven’t been told to stay out of the sun, but actually don’t really fancy it right now. Might take babies out later for stroll on bikes and siton thingy.

Anyway, hope everyone having great weekend and enjoying the weather, although think it is raining up north!


Hi Dawn

Dont you just lve online shopping!!!
Hope you had a good weekend & feeling ok. Me I got awlful indegestion & heartburn…
Nights still rough. hope yours are better
Hope your side effects are still minimum - week one nearly over… pat on the back…

Hi Mel

Had good weekend and feeling OK. Not sure why not been feeling rough at all, although have to say today and yesterday had a fuzzy head and bit nasally, but OH remembers chemo nurse saying that after 5 or 6 days might get flu like symptoms, as if getting over it. I remember vaguely something about him saying that, but taking OHs word, otherwise would start getting paranoid again.

Nights going OK actually, apart from either 3 year old getting up and coming in (although think she was sleep walking last night - standing at end of bed, eyes all glazed, staring!!! Scary mary!!!) or baby waking once, as got 7th tooth coming I think! But not really had probs sleeping that much since started chemo - fingers crossed. Did have bit of heartburn yesterday morning actually, but ok once got up and had brekkie.

Bit worried that all my side effects are going to come crashing in at some point - as feel so well, and everyone saying how great I look. Week one over for me now, week 2 starts tomorrow, so gotta keep eye on temperature and any other little symptoms chemo nurse told me about!

Hope you are OK and indigestion and heartburn easing. Feel like going through this with you, as we seem to be on roughly same schedule, my next session is 29th Aug.

Take care

hi dawn

Glad to hear you doing well! dont worry about the side effects every one is different…
My next chemo is the 30th Aug day after yours!!!
week 2 starts for me on thurs so yep keep an eye on temp etc… but I reckon we will be ok!
I think I would be a little freaked with a 3yr old standing at the bottom of the bed! its bad enough wakig up next to th OH…lol
Taking gaviscon for heartburn - easing a little looking forward in getting some sleep. got an actie 7 yr old girl and a hypo 9 yr old boy!!! who have both discovered skate boarding!!!

I am new here, so sorry for hijacking your thread, but i too had my first chemo almost 2 weeks ago, next one is due 23rd august.
It wasn’t as bad as i thought but the sick feeling for a few days wasn’t too nice. I decided to give the cold cap a try as i am almost more worried about losing my hair than anything else, which is silly i know. my boyfriend took a pic of me in it…lovely! though it was quick funny to have to sit there for a bit afterwards while my head defrosted enough to get the cap off!
I hope you are all doing ok with the side effects