So… I had a core biopsy a couple of weeks ago, thankfully all that was found was a fibroadenoma and a cyst. However, since the biopsy I have had dincreasing levels of pain. I;ve been back to the GP who has given me antibiotics in case of infection. There is not sign of infection but she believes that I have a sizeable hematoma. This is probably entirely my own fault as I work as a mountain leader and was back in the hills the day after the biopsy.
Anyway, the pain is extreme, and I’m currently struggling with getting around, let alone working in the hills. My GP says that it will go eventually but didn’t say how long. Meanwhile my pain levels lurch from moderate to severe. I’ve been prescirbed 30mg co-codamol for the pain, but I can’t think when I’m on it. I’m desperate to get back in the hills, the doc is not giving me answers so I don’t even know if I should.
Any knowledge or experience on here gratefully recieved.
It could also be fibroadenoma pain, when mine gets especially bad I tuck a handwarmer pad in my bra, you know the gel ones that turn white, get hot and go solid? it works like a charm, just wear something baggy over the top or people wonder why your boob is all lumpy and weirdly shaped… or a hot water bottle if you’re in the house. A friend of mine gets a bit dozy with co-codamol so she has a caffeinated drink at the same time, you could try that.
Good luck xxx
Thanks Sailor-Girl. I had no pain in the fibroadenoma before the mammo and biopsy, but have been wondering if all the mauling has aggravated it somehow?
Tried heat before and it makes it more sore, but Dr Google has suggested ice then heat for a hematoma which I tried this eve and seemed ok. Mind you I’m back on the co-codamol this eve so probably couldn’t tell if it was sore… Wahey!
I just want to work and get back to the hills. Going a bit barmy here.