HER2+ and need some buddies

@suedot Oh dear…the wooden spoon! I dare you to say, at least you won something!

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Nice to hear from you aswell. I’m 12 weeks post chemotherapy and 8weeks post radiotherapy and sleep is a big problem. Not sure exactly what is causing it, sore ribs from radiotherapy, post chemo, Herceptin or Letrozole. I’ve done 2 months on Letrozole so hoping in a month or so some of these side effects will lessen, although I did read/hear an oncologist say it could be up to 6 months to settle :unamused:

I don’t know about you but the Herceptin knocks me back 4/5 days now I’m having it alone. After the last one, the following day I was so teary feeling sorry for myself as I felt so rough.

Did you do the Moving Forward course? I’m sure I read you were booked on one. I haven’t booked one yet as I felt I’m still in treatment but as the weeks go on I feel a bit better about looking forward. I’ve even booked a few days away in May, the anniversary of being told I had cancer so I can do something nice.

@salbert sorry to hear your hair is shedding and you were let down by the wig lady. That’s all you need. It must be so nice to have a friend who understands your situation and is going with you to your new hair/wig appointment. It makes such a difference with others that have been in a similar situation. They get it.


It’s good to hear from you @naughty_boob and learn I’m not the only one with sleep and other issues when chemo, surgery & radiotherapy are all behind us. This weekend marks 3 months since I finished chemo.

I am pretty sure my erratic sleep pattern is the letrozole. There are many similarities to my menopausal years e.g. I wake up with a hot flush, it’s harder to drop off & in the day I’m far more emotional and potentially drawn to tears than I have been for several years - even when I learnt of my BC diagnosis.

I am very privileged where I am in Leeds in that the Leeds Cancer Charities ensure that everyone in treatment that leads to hair loss is entitled to a wig free of charge. So I have the one I was given- generally they try as hard as possible to match it to hair before treatment. However, I have to say I didn’t wear mine very often, just a handful of occasions. I never felt confident in it and was mich more comfortable in scarves and turban type headwear. But we’re all different.

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@naughty_boob I haven’t done the moving on course yet, but plan to do so in April. Or the month after. I think it should be good. It takes place at our local Maggie’s.

… and my Phesgo injections: now I’m having these alone it’s easier to pick out what the side effects are. UsuallY the actual injection is fine but I had a less gentle nurse last time, by her own admission. Anyway the side effects are a day or two of the most horrendous diarrhoea, when I most certainly need to be working from home!

I’ve just been sent my latest heart scan date too. @naughty_boob are you having these regularly while you are on Herceptin?

Take care, and everyone else :heartpulse:

As you said it nice to know it’s not just me. Yes the diarrhoea is the same on Herceptin. I am having MUGA scans every 4 months, last one was 4 January. I had to chase the results in March, everything was ok. I hate that I have to chase,but every time you have a check you want to know the results. They said they would contact me by phone or letter and I think a 2 month wait is too long.

I recently met a lady who chose to come of Letrozole as the symptoms were so debilitating she said he quality of life was effected. I been told it’s the gold standard of treatment to prevent the cancer coming back so I’m want to preserve and hope the symptoms lessen in time.


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Hi Suedot I hope you’re ok hun , it’s a tough journey and just when your totally shattered and your body is feeling at its worst after treatment there are the dreaded meds , Letrozole with the awful fatigue and ibandronic acid combined with any meds is a nightmare wow that was me 2years ago :heart: I’m so much better although I never thought it would come
My ibandronic meds where changed to a transfusion every 6 months
Which is 10 mins treatment so much better, I struggled coz I have a 3 year old and I’m diabetic, I find it’s an easier option ,
I’m a very positive person and always look for a better alternative to fit my life as things can get tough and drained energy is just crap , be kind to yourself preserve energy to use where you need to until you start to feel better, we do move forward because we are stronger than we realise
Laughter is always the best medicine my unruly hair has grown like ken Dodds twin sister :joy: but I have hair
Take care lovely :heart:


Hi Naughty-boob
Still giggling about your choice of name ,love it .
The wait and chasing is just awful there’s enough going on but we cope :heart: I had my herceptin injection and a male nurse pressed a plaster on top to make it stick well I nearly jumped through the roof :crazy_face: we live and learn
I hope your doing ok stay strong and keep plodding on
Lots of love xx :kissing_heart:

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Hi I too have been directed here by naughty boob.
I had breast cancer in 2020 when i just needed lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Sadly new primary found Oct 23. I have had 3 lots of surgery finally having a mastectomy.
Just had a port fitted and start chemo Monday 25th Docetaxel and carboplatin with herceptin 6 rounds then herceptin for a year.
Not looking forward to this journey.


Hi @rec Well isn’t that just crap. I’m so sorry to hear that. So you are like me in having had a load of surgery only to be told you will need a mastectomy. I’ve just had round 3 of EC then it will be 12 x weekly Paclitaxel. Mastectomy planned for August then radiotherapy and ongoing Herceptin. You must feel so disappointed to have to go through it all again. Well…we’re all in this together and we will see each other through. I love how so many ladies stick around long after it’s over and cheerlead others. What a great community. At least this time you will get Herceptin which is such a wonder drug. Well, welcome to our thread. It struck me that I have only posted the headwear that my relatives have sent me ready for when I lose my hair on the February Chemo Starters thread and that I really should show you all as well. I’ll find the pics and post them here.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend no matter what stage of this journey you are at.
Love Salbert


So this was the cowboy hat my mother gave me for when I lose my hair on the grounds that ‘It’ll be fun’. :flushed: As if getting breast cancer isn’t bad enough!


And this is the knitted hair my cousin made for me. Do you think my relatives are not taking my plight particularly seriously?


Very flattering :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@naughty_boob Oi you!!! :wink:

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@rec I am so sorry to hear that the cancer returned. You are going to have the same chemo that I was given. I am now two and a bit months out from it finishing the core six rounds and just waiting to find out next treatment (I had surgery after chemo). Had bloods taken yesterday to establish whether treatment has pushed me through menopause. I think i am still going through it as I still have regular hot flushes. I am finding it hard to think about another five years of treatment and side effects. But trying to just take it one day at a time. When do you start treatment? I recommend looking higher up the thread for advice on what to get for chemo. I also highly recommend sucking ice during treatment to help with taste and getting in the senna tablets and gaviscon (check with your treatment team that you can have these - I am assuming you can as you are having the same treatment as me but best to be sure). I’ll be thinking of you. Much love.

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@salbert loving the hair options your family have delivered to you. I think it only fair that they also wear them in solidarity. I think when you announce that the quality of the products they are supplying might increase exponentially!


Thank you I start on Monday.
I have been taking letrozole, which I will stop before starting chemo, but then carry on for 5 years when I finish. To be honest I have had no significant side effects. Possibly one or two hot flushes when I’m stressed. But I had been through the menopause prior to getting cancer.
I have had my hair cut short and decided I actually prefer it short so there’s one bonus??? Do people recommend epilating legs or is it best to leave it?
Thanks for the support



Thanks for joining the thread, treatment for HER2+ is usually longer than those on chemo or radiotheraphy…

As far as epilating your legs, I don’t think you’ll need to bother, one of the side effects of your treatment is hair loss all over. I had Paclitaxel and cold capped so saved most of my hair but other body hair fell out. I only partially lost eyebrows and eyelashes. Again you may want to check with your team, did they give you information on the side effects of your treatment?

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sorry couldn’t resist!

I can’t believe you’ve already had your 3rd EC, well done. That’s a box ticked. Now onto weekly Paclitaxel. :grinning:

Have a lovely weekend. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@naughty_boob I’ve still got one more EC to go. :frowning: Then I’m onto my 12 x weekly Paclitaxel. Still, I can’t believe I’ve got through 3 ECs already. You’re right, it does pass and you do get through it. Couldn’t believe it was possible after the first one. How frequently did you have Paclitaxel?

@rec I am feeling hard done by as regards leg hair. My head hair is now looking very thin so I am about to go onto cancerhaircare.com and look at recommended companies for ‘hats with hair’ as my wig appointment isn’t until 18th April. My nostril hair and underarm hair has done a runner but leg hair and unsightly bikini line, still resolutely refusing to budge! Let’s hope yours are less stubborn.

By the way, I thought the LGFB Wigs, Brows and Lashes online workshop was fantastic. Really informative. Highly recommended.

@frazzledmcsazza My cousin instantly asked me whether she should get knitting for Princess Kate. YES!, I said. :rofl: She will probably end up in the Tower of London and get her just desserts.

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When is your last EC? I was on 12 weekly Paclitaxel and it was cumulative. Having it weekly means you get very few ‘good’ days and for me one of those was back on the chair and travelling for 6/7 hours so it didn’t give me much time to do anything nice :unamused:

Loss of nostril hair is so annoying, my nose was constantly running.

I reckon your cousin could start a new trend ‘knitted wigs for cancer’ could even rival brave the shave. Get sponsored for wearing one for a week! I looked at the photo again today as it reminded me of something and it came to me today Asterix th Gaul
