HER2+ and need some buddies

Thanks for your message,…I will ask about that…is that for an implant or DIEP? Xx

Do they always use tissue expanders? Xx

Woohoo!!:partying_face: :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

You did it. You just made me snigger when you said you slapped a bench. Thats so funny, next time I pass a bench, I will also give it a slap. I really think it’s the next big thing. Everyone can join in and the best thing is nobody knows why you are doing it. The bell thing was difficult for me, I don’t like drawing attention to myself so rang it so gently, more of a ting ting ting.

Take time to recover, your body has been through so much.

Have a great weekend. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh @chakakhan im so sorry to hear you are stressed. It so understandable from what you have said. It’s wrong that the DIEP reconstruction is only available at selected hospitals. From what I understand in South Wales you can only go to Morriston Hospital in Swansea for reconstruction. For some that is 70 mile journey which is not good. It’s not a day surgery so, how can your partner/husband/family/friends visit? The ‘local’ hospital only do wide local incisions or mastectomy without reconstruction. I’ve lost heard that many are then refused reconstruction at a later date as it’s not part of the cancer treatment!!! It’s all so wrong.

Hopefully the new government will make some changes but it won’t be early enough for you. I’m so sorry that so many doctors are on holiday. I am 1 year today from my surgery and should be having my annual mammogram this month but have been told it’ll be September. No reason given but I can only imagine it’s to do with staff holidays. Last year I waited longer than usual for my lab results due to holidays.

Maybe you could ring the BCN nurses or MacMillan for some help with finding another surgeon and also your wellbeing. MacMillan are open 7 days a week nd you can obtain counselling from them.

  • Helpline: 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Speak to our trained helpline team. No questions are too big or too small.


Keep us up to date. We will support you as much as we can🥰

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I’ve just remembered that I was advised to take Lopermide before the diarrhoea starts especially if it happens every time. It gets to work in advance lessening symptoms.

Obviously I’m not giving medical advice so you might want to double check with your team that it OK for you to do.


Hi naughty boob,

It appears that many women are refused reconstruction options due to a lack of hospitals offering this despite guidelines.

Many face waiting times of at least two years but some a lot longer with some being refused reconstruction at a later point as you have said.

I was diagnosed just before Xmas and my treatment was delayed because of Xmas and new year now I need surgery and I have hit holiday season!

I am hoping this government will be more compassionate and not view this as an aesthetic surgery but one to restore a woman’s body due to a serious disease.

Congratulations on being a year from surgery today.
……I wish that was me I am terrified!

The holiday season is delaying everything so I imagine that is the reason you have a delayed mammogram however if you’re worried I would advise you to speak to someone to try and get it earlier.

Thanks for the contact numbers and support.

I will keep you posted Xx

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Hi, regarding DIEP flap operations i can understand why this is not done in sll hospitals as it is quite a specialised operation with extra training in plastic surgery ss well as breast surgery, but you are right @naughty_boob and chakakhan that more options for reconstruction should happen in most major hospitals and more standardised care should be available to everyone. Hospitals should have surgeons trained in breast oncoplastic surgery as they do in my relatively small county hospital who can carry out all other types of flap based or implant surgery, it shouldnt be a postcode lottery, but i guess its down to the individual trusts to employ the right people and money of course. Breast reconstruction should be available to everyone according to clinical need and suitability.

@naughty_boob yes ive found it best to take loperamide as a preventative measure usually one in the morning and one in the evening seems to keep it manageable.

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Hi everyone

I’m genuinely shocked to hear that reconstruction isn’t available to everyone. I had no idea. I told my best friend who is of the opinion that if men had to lose such a physical part of their identity, reconstruction would be par for the course. I took it for granted that it was offered to everyone as part of the treatment journey. Now I feel extremely fortunate. I’m so sorry for the situation you find yourself in @chakakhan. Any news yet from any of the other surgeons you have approached?


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Hi everyone

I had my first Phesgo and Zometa combo yesterday. Feel rubbish today. Is that normal?



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Not gone as smoothly as hoped unfortunately. Got a small wound infection that refused to budge and heal - been over 2months since surgery. Because of that my radiotherapy has been put on hold - should of started 19 sessions including 4 boosters this week (due to margins). All a tad anxiety inducing the longer it’s delayed.
Had a vac dressing on last week (pico). Looked better when taken off yesterday, but cannot sleep tonight as my boob is itching like mad. On a bit of a downer truth be told. Managed a gym session today after over a week off, (didn’t want to disturb the pico) which helped moral, but this itch is a new worry. Hope its a sign of healing but you know how the mind works on symptoms, especially with delayed treatment.
Sound like you are recovering well. I’d have to google the surgery you had, not familiar with it.
It all seemed a simple process to start with.

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I’ve not had my Herceptin with Zometa but I feel a bit rough after each. I had Herceptin on Thursday and ache all over(more than usual) and even needed an afternoon nap.
Zometa alone was like flu for 2/3 days.

Be kind to yourself your body has been through a lot.

Sorry can’t write more my kids have just arrived for a visit.



Hi Entropy

So sorry to hear you’re in such discomfort and feeling low. My op was Sept 13th 23 and my rads started on 22nd Nov so about 8weeks between. I didnt have an infection but I had a lot of itching from healing and my boob was very hard, red and swollen also had to have a seroma drained. I was fortunate not to have an infection but I think this is unfortunately something that can happen after any surgery and itching can happen when a wound is healing. I know our minds work overtime and stress can affect us in all sorts of ways. Try to keep calm a (easier said than done I know) and try to get enough quality sleep. This will all help you heal. I had a scare after radiotherapy with a huge swelling red hot boob and they did another biopsy just as a precaution. Thankfully all ok but still very red and sore to date. The treatments we are given seem to give us lots of extra problems and it can be very scary. My dcis margins we’re 1.5mm clearance and the invasive had a clearance of 2mm. The surgeon and oncologist didn’t think it was necessary to have another lumpectomy or chemo although this worried me at first I have accepted that they’re the specialists and have set my treatment plan that is best for me. Hopefully your wound will heal very soon and you can get on with the rest of your treatment and begin to recover. Sending you a big hug.

Onward and upward.


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Hi @entropy

The itching could be allergic reaction to the dressing. Can you call the breast care team for advise? If not out of hours GP or minor injuries?

You are doing great going to the gym, I struggle even after 6 months post chemo and radiotherapy. Still having Herceptin which has its own challenges.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Should have mentioned that swelling and redness after rads was a typical side affect of rads and nothing to worry about.
Naughty_boob made a good point it could be irritation from dressing, I didnt think of that.

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Definitely worth investigating whether you are allergic to surgical dressings. I was allergic to the drapes they stick on you in surgery. Blistered all over where they had been stuck and sensitive to adhesive since then. Post PICC line fitting but pre chemo the nurses gave me a range of dressings to stick on my leg to check which caused a reaction. Might be worth trying that. I forgot I had a hairy leg (no way was I shaving pre chemo if all my hair was going to fall out anyway) and ripped off the test dressings so my whole leg looked red🤣.

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Anyone else having Phesgo injections? Mine started during my weekly Paclitaxel. Diarrhea after the injection and feel a bit rubbish.
Does anyone else gave this? And is it any better when the Paclitaxel finishes and it’s just the Phesgo injections on their own? The weeks when I have chemo but no injection are ok.

Hi everyone

I think it seems normal then to feel a bit rubbish after the Zometa and I certainly had achiness and diarrhoea so that could be due to the Phesgo or the Zometa. Probably both. I was ok again on Saturday so I will know to expect the side effects next time. Great to have this group to double check on it all.

@entropy So sorry to hear you’ve had an infection and more to worry about. Well done on getting to the gym. It’s hard to stay positive all the time. I honestly think what we have been through is trauma and it leaves its mark. The mind can take us back there when any fresh worry presents itself. Keep posting so we can support each other through. It’s good to know that others have been through similar and can reassure. So thanks @jill2 and @naughty_boob as now I also know to expect these things to happen when I have my mastectomy and radiotherapy which are the next things to tick off.

@norts Definitely a few of us get diarrhoea after the Phesgo injection. I’ve not been off Paclitaxel for long enough to know if it’s better, worse or the same but I definitely got it after Thursdays Phesgo and Zometa double whammy.

However, I did get to go out last night and drink Prosecco in an actual pub and watch the football. Shame the outcome wasn’t better but it felt so good to do something normal again after these horrible months. The sun will shine again, literally and metaphorically. :smiley:


Hi Jill
Happily, the itching calmed down after a couple of days, and now back in the gym every other day, which helps with morale. Last week was a tough one mentally, compounded by my trying out how taking tamoxifen in the morning, after having it at night for weeks previous, would make me feel. I was waking up every hour throughout the night when taken at nighttime, either hot or cold or just feeling too awake.
Taking it in the morning was worse. I was sleeping better, but discovered that 4-5 hours after taking it, I get light-headed and feel totally drained and hot flushes kick in waves of nausea, some indigestion, yet stangely hungry at the same time. About 12 hours later feel much better. So timing is key. Feeling good today after taking it at 7pm, so just when the crushing exhaustion kicks in is when its bedtime. Head clearer and more energy. I guess its finding out what works. Could be tricky once back at work as I do shifts, however, I suspect I can apply for day shifts only on medical grounds. Thanks for the support, hopefully on the up now - I think my wound may finally be getting there.
Jo x

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Hi Jo
So pleased your wound is healing. I take my Leterozole at night about 9pm found this was better for me but dont sleep well hence feeling knackered in the afternoons. Well done you pushing yourself and going to the gym. Im 63 always been quite fit but finding things a little more tiring since November after starting the Leterozole I think the symptoms
are very similar. Never sweated this much when I was menopausal. Ive learned not to feel guilty if I have to have a nap when I can and just accepting it even though its as frustrating as hell. What would take me a short time to do I now do over two days. Urrgh!!! Here’s hoping you have a good week and you start to feel better each day.
All the very best.

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Hi salbert. Sorry you’ve felt so poorly on the meds. I haven’t had to have any of those on my treatment plan but just wanted to wish you well and hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes