HER2+ and need some buddies

Hi @salbert

I am so glad that surgery went well, that you are home, and that you have chocolate :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

You are alway so incredibly kind and encouraging in your responses to others - I hope that you can now breathe a sigh of relief that this bit is over for you. You truly are a warrior.

As you know, take it very easy and be very kind to yourself.

Wishing you a swift and straightforward recovery.


Hi @belle1

Sorry to hear that communication has not been great.
I am triple positive too and have been told I would switch from phesgo to kadcyla if residual cancer is found during my DMX on the 28. Kadcyla is basically herceptin with chemo, and side effects seem similar to phesgo from what I have read on this forum. Although I hate phesgo I hope I will contnue after surgery as I can’t have a port for IV due to a heart condition.
I will know in about a month.

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Hi @salbert
What a big step. Very happy to hear you arw doing well. I am amazed you have been released so quickly. And very impressed you can be so chatty after major surgery!
My surgeon does not use drains, apparently it is standard practice at RM Chelsea. Let’s hope the build up won’t be painful.
I am starting to prep for my DMX, bought a V shaped pillow yesterday and need to source heart shapes ones…
I hope your recovery goes smoothly.
Big hugs,

Hi @salbert , wel done you - sounds like all going well. The dressings they hsve these days are so good, you can shower and tje dont peel off. Enjoy your chocolates.
I went for pre-assessment today and was a bit alarmed when they said i would be a day case for a bilateral mammaplasty, but hopefully will come home armed with lots of painkillers.
Best wishes.

@belle1 sorry to hear you are now triple positive and this wasn’t mentioned before. I’m ER+ HER2+ PR- and having Letrozole as I’m post menopausal. Most bc with ER+ will have some sort of hormonal therapy eg Tamoxifen (premenopausal) or Letrozole/Anastrazole (aromatase inhibitors) for 5-10 years, which in themselves cause menopausal symptoms.

I can’t comment on Kadcyla but you can search the forum to find others that may be similar to you. I’ve found this one, someone who is also triple positive.

@salbert you are such a warrior! It’s doesn’t look like your plan to lounge in bed and eat chocolate is going to play out🤪. I can’t believe you are out so soon and that you’re are not in too much pain. I love the bionic tit comment, it’s so apt. Your surgeon sounds like the best of them, I had a lady surgeon also and when I went for my annual mammogram the radiographer commented on how good the boobs looked and how neat the scars were. I’m still not keen on looking at my naughty boobs but like your poem said I’m grateful for all they used to be.

Love to you all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello darlings

So I’m up and about for a second day on just one dose of Ibuprofen. I’ve got my drain in its bag under a loose fitting dress and am on my laptop on the balcony having just eaten a massive fajitas lunch cooked by my son. I’m sure the saying goes ‘Feed a cold, starve a fever, gorge a mastectomy’. I must have heard that somewhere!

@cheryl2109 It is not only not the death sentence that the brain tells us it is in the midst of the fearful phase, but the chances are that you don’t even need to be having the Stage 4 conversation because you aren’t there yet and you probably won’t be. I had far too many Stage 4 converstions with myself and my original team that I didn’t need to have. I don’t want women to have to go through that mental torment if they don’t need to so I like to do what I can to help. If you have wobbles then come on here.

@lilly123 Glad to hear that you can press on with chemo. You’re not weird. I was practically, actually make that literally, begging for chemo before I switched to Marsden. I just wanted to know I was getting washed through with the stuff that would kill those cancer cells. I also had a chemo outfit which some people ritually burn at the end but which I cannot bring myself to do as it cost too much! Definitely chocolates. Important to treat oneself when going through this.

@bigpickle I couldn’t shower the last time I had a drain but this time round it’s all been sort of waterproofed for want of a better word. It does make you feel better to get showered and dressed and hide it all under a wafty skirt. Sorry to hear you had a delay. Everything crossed it all gets done tomorrow morning.

Hi @fran Lovely to hear from you. I’m just paying it forward after all the wonderful women who came out of nowhere to catch me the day I came on here in a state. It’s been so important to me and I want to keep that support network strong.

@marionse25 Hello. Thanks for sharing your Kadcyla info with @belle1 I know somebody else who has just been told she will be getting Kadcyla after residual cancer was found during her mastectomy. I guess we have to get our heads around a slightly different treatment path and be grateful that it was found and we have a clear picture, even if it wasn’t the one we thought it was. I have heard that some surgeons don’t use drains. This one is fine as the tube is so small. I was dreading it after last time but it’s absolutely fine. Doesn’t hurt at all.

@pennyp It’s crazy to think that they do mastectomies as day cases but apparently it’s a very standard procedure and if you’re fine and you want to go home (which I did), then you can. And like I say, I haven’t even touched the codeine. I’ve had one dose of Ibuprofen today and no pain at all at present. I think it must be the chocolates. Better get stuck into those Lily O’Briens for the sake of my health!!

@naughty_boob Brilliant advice as usual. No wonder they made you a Community Champion. You were one of the first people who made contact with me back at Christmas and I thank my lucky stars.

Now…I have just had a hamper delivered. I think I’d better go and tuck into it, as all this eating is clearly doing me a lot of good!

Love to you all and have a great weekend.


Hello, I’ve just found out that I’m HER2 and Oestrogen positive. I’ve had a recurrence in my axilla but it’s not spread or in my lymph nodes. I’m waiting to speak to my oncologist to arrange chemo and herceptin prior to an operation to remove my lump and some lymph nodes (better to be safe than sorry I’ve been told). I’m not sure where the treatment will be yet. I do want to use a cold cap again even though it didn’t work last time, probably as I didn’t wash my hair straight away.
I got a second opinion last time in 2018 at The Marsden in Surrey and had lifts rather than a mastectomy. This time I’m going private as I have insurance through work.

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Hi Linda
Sorry to hear your back on a familiar journey once again. Sounds like you are prepared for what’s ahead, no pun intended. I never tried the cold cap as I didn’t have a particularly good head of hair before my chemo. I’ve finished chemo, had lumpectomy just finished radiotherapy and to celebrate just had all the dead hair shaved off. It was actually really liberating, hoping I will grow some better locks this time round.
@salbert im sooo pleased to read you are continuing to do well post mastectomy you really are awesome in being there for us all during your journey. Absolutely loved that poem and ps) I smacked a bench on your behalf.
We are so lucky in many ways, we also have our amazing champions, thank you all for sharing your knowledge it’s been sooo reassuring :pray:
I’m going to have to get chasing my oncologist again now as I’m due to start zelondronic acid infusions along side my 3 weekly phesgo but I’ve still had no appointments come through . Can anyone tell me if I should have a post RT scan I seem to remember MUGA scan mentioned ?
That’s been a lesson I’ve had to learn, keep chasing the teams if you think they have missed something as there are so many of us for the specialists to be looking after it’s easy to fall through the net.
Stay positive and stay here you brilliant and talented ladies.


Hello @Linda_Corinne I am SO very sorry to hear that you have to go through this again. Please accept one of my massive overbearing virtual hugs. That must be such a kick in the teeth after going through it all the first time round. The cold cap didn’t work brilliantly on me, but the hair on my head is growing back at the rate of knots so I think it’s true that it helps as it sure as hell isn’t growing back anywhere else yet. I started NHS but then went private over at Royal Marsden in Surrey and my experience there has been excellent. Keep us posted. You beat it before and you will do it again.

Hello @helsbels2, my old friend. Thank you so much for slapping a bench on my behalf! That brings me great joy. It makes me laugh aloud every time I hear of someone else slapping a bench. I’m hoping to get my drain out today. Carting this thing around is wearing thin now!

FYI, I have already had a zoledronic acid infusion and I had to get my teeth checked first as having dental treatment afterwards can cause problems with the jaw healing. I also have 3 monthly MUGA scans to check the Phesgo isn’t affecting it adversely. So far, so good. Definitely bother your team. Sometimes I think they are just too busy to be able to do everything. I’ve been ringing the ward daily with my drain output since last Wednesday and never once got through so I’ve been emailing the info in. I’m not keeping this thing a moment longer than I have to.

I love your ‘Stay positive and stay here’ message. Absolutely!! I echo that, you brilliant and fabulous women.

Happy Monday
Drainbag Salbert


Thanks for your messages Helsbels2 and Salbert. I have been referred to a local onc as better to do chemo locally in case of problems so am hoping to see them this week. Hopefully get a call tomorrow or will call them otherwise. I could go to Bristol initially then at home but decided against unless it takes more than 4 weeks. So fingers crossed and also for it to disappear completely as expected.x

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Everything crossed that it’s all speedy and resolved in no time at all.

My drain is out!! Pathology results on Friday. It’s another step closer and another tick off the list.



Glad things are going to plan. Its good when things run smoothly. Ive recently started spitting the dummy out if things get changed. Still its made me stand my ground and get my way in the end.
Independence from the drain is another step in the right direction.

Hi Salbert

I honestly felt wretched when I had my drains in. Wasn’t allowed to shower, just awful. Such freedom!

Another step forward.:clap:

Thanks @entropy and @bigpickle It certainly is a good feeling to cast off that drain.

Yesterday threw me another curveball when my husband woke me at 5am to say I had better come and say goodbye to my 18 year old beloved cat, Stockton. He was lying on the living room floor semi-conscious. I picked him up and tried to give him some water but he couldn’t really drink. I took him upstairs and cuddled him on the bed, talking to him while waiting for the vets to open at 8:30. He died in my arms at 7:45am. Yesterday was awful because I loved the very bones of that old furball. I’d had him since he was a kitten and we’d gone through a lot together. I cried all day.

I awoke a few times in the night but I told myself every time, that he’d had his full life span and lived to a good age. The vet said it would have been a stroke or a blood clot and that if we could all choose, it would be the way we would like to go, surrounded by all our family, talking in soothing voices and telling us it was ok to go to sleep. (Not sure if he appreciated my singing Queen to him as he departed this world, but it’s a special song that I always sang to him.)

I realise today that this year has taught me a lot about how to cope in adverse circumstances and to do all you can to look on the bright side. I think I would have had a very different reaction a year ago.

So for today, RIP my little Sticky Stockton cat and I thank you for enriching my life for 18 years. How lucky was I.

Love to all,



So sorry to hear about Stockton. We lost one of ours about 3 weeks ago. He wandered further than he ever had and was unfortunately hit by a car. He was 15 1/2 years old. The folks involved took him to out of hours vets and as he was microchipped the vets were able to contact me. We still have his sister who is missing him, as are we. They are part of the family. It sounds that Stockton passed away peacefully and was loved and petted till the end.

Sending hugs xx

Oh no @salbert snd @bigpickle that made me cry. Its so hard when you lose a beloved pet. We have two cats who are 15, one is fit and well and still running up trees the other our big ginger tom is definitely old and a bit strange, he likes to sleep somrwhere quiet and has a bit of arthritis, but he seems happy enough. I dread the day when he goes. :sleepy: we dont take him to vets unless we have to as he gets so stressed he nearly has a heart attack. Big hugs to you both. Goodness what the universe is throwing at us! We will get through it older and wiser.

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I’m sat here stroking my lovely pooch. He has been a huge comfort through treatment, love him to bits. He helps to keep me going - and walking, in the rain today. I know one day I’ll lose him, but don’t like to dwell on such things as it’s heartbreaking. I hope he gets to a ripe old age for his breed meantime, like your cat. I also hope he has a peaceful end. Our pets know when they are loved, and they give so much back in return, and for that we are blessed. My deepest sympathy Salbert x

@salbert So sorry to hear about Stockton. What a week for you. Good news on the drain and :crossed_fingers: for Friday’s appointment.

@entropy I also threw my toys out of the pram when changes were made. I wasnt cross with the nurses, I think it was the stress of dealing with constant uncertainty. Luckily there were very few disruptions to my plan in the end. But I did feel I needed to speak up.

Had my first radiotherapy of twenty today. Feeling shattered but I think that’s a combination of the build up to it, Phesgo injection yesterday and going to the gym (my 4th post chemo session, actually probably about my 4th ever🤣). But will see how things go. Any advice from the group on radiotherapy?

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@salbert @bigpickle
Your posts have made me cry so much! I am so sorry life is really unfair. @salbert I am sending you a big big virtual hug.
I have finally been adopted by my cat after feeding him for years. He knew my cat who I lost during the first lockdown. It was lymphoma cancer and she only survived 4 weeks after diagnostic. I thought at the time no more pets I won’t be able to cope. I am crying just thinking about her.
We need to remember the wonderful times we have had with them. No judgements, no bad words from them, just love.
My cat will get neutered on the 27th, for now he has had a first vaccine and a microchip. My surgery is on the 28th so my other half will have to nurse both of us! I told him timing was not great but he thinks we can manage…
Apart from that I had a call from my genetic consultant yesterday, telling me the lab could not find my test. I have to do another one, which means I won’t get results this week but well after my surgery! Right now I have just shut my work laptop and will start packing for We Out Here festival. Let’s see how I can cope with 3 no sleep nights!

I hope you all have a relaxing evening

Take care
Marion x

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Hi @Linda_Corinne sorry to hear you have joined our group and that this is a recurrence for you. I hope you have your dates to start soon. I cold capped with 12 weekly Paclitaxel and lost two small patches above my ears with some shedding. It was successful for me but others on the same regimen lost more. www.coldcap.com is always a good place to check out what is possible, you can check your chemo drug and the likely success rate as well as up to date information about increase in hair growth after cold capping. Are you having Sciencus for your home chemo, they come to me for my Herceptin injections. I’m at Velindre in Cardiff but it’s apparently cheaper for me to receive my treatment at home with a private company than drive 30 miles to Cardiff. Are you in Bristol? I’m just across the River Severn.

@salbert Fingers crossed for your results. I’m so sorry to hear about your cat, it’s not been a great year for you. Hopefully a new dog or cat will come into your life soon.

@helsbels2 I have a MUGA every 4 months and yes I would chase. I had to chase my Lymphoedema clinic and annual mammogram as the referral had gone missing. There are treating so many of us, it’s so easy to be missed. We all need to advocate for ourselves, I hope by chasing my ‘missed’ appointments I may have helped others missed of the list that month.

@norts wishing you luck with your radiotherapy. I would say to moisturise a lot. Your team will advise when and how. I used a product from Radiaderm which I won via Dr Liz O’Riordan on Instagram. It was a two part gel and cream, I had no redness or burning. Others have used Aveeno etc. My team said to use what works for you and not try something new just for radiotherapy as a red rash could be an allergy. Radiotherapy can be tiring so just be kind to yourself and rest when you need it.

Oh nearly forgot to say. My annual mammogram was clear :tada::tada::tada:

Take care all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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