HER2+ and need some buddies

Hi @arty1 and @galdiolus can you explain the PCR please. I’m not following but it sounds positive. Love your work @galdiolus. Hope that beautiful wreath is cheering you on your own door. Life is a balance between doing enough of what makes your heart sing but not killing yourself doing it. I’m finding this even harder now! I was visiting my daughter at uni in Cirencester Sunday, are you near?


Btw guys - any recommendations on breast cancer charities or research projects I can donate to?

@erica tagged you so you can join this wonderful thread



@galdiolus like you I’m not really sure what to do , my oncologist seemed to think that I was a good candidate for nine injections and said the trial was positive but was honest enough to say it still doesn’t have years of results as it’s quite new from a scientific research point .

@jayveebee PCR means pathologic complete response meaning no cancer is detected after cancer treatment

@jessybessy well you could always donate to Breast Cancer Now who run this forum , I just had a networking event on Sunday and raised £510 for them x


Breast cancer now fund lots of research as well as cancer research uk.

I remember you are in Qatar but all research helps world wide.





Thanks for clarification @galdiolus. Is the the trial for phesgo or Kadcyla? I’m at a university hospital so wondering if it would help me seeing as the phesgo has knocked my function after 7 injections and I’d been offered another 11 before they saw my echocardiogram results.

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Thanks lovely x


@jayveebee its for herceptin or phesgo - A few ladies have found it’s altered heart function but have seen their ejection fraction improve with heart meds … it might be worth chatting to them about the Persephone trial x

@jessybessy I forget you aren’t in the UK :see_no_evil:
BCN - are constantly funding important worldwide research in Breast Cancer x


Thanks @arty1. I’ll ask oncologist on 17th. Waiting on another echocardiogram and poss referral to cardiology. I have low blood pressure like my mum and sisters so that will be part of all this symptons, discussion and treatment.


Just read that improving your gut biome can address fatigue. Anyone who has had chemo will have had their gut biome damaged. Def worth looking at with diet and clean supplements. Biokult has a lot but quite expensive and liquid form sugary. Dr Vegan is clean and a bit more affordable on monthly subscription (no tie in, easy to manage).


@jayveebee I have low blood pressure too , it will make things a bit complicated in terms of prescribing heart meds as …. They lower blood pressure :see_no_evil: they definitely need to put herceptin on hold though for now


Mini yipee - just told my second go at wle result is that I now have a clear margin. Can celebrate moving onto oncologist and chemo plan, I know its the next bit of a long haul, await the detail, but at least there’ll be a plan. Hope everyone else ok.


What fantastic news @carrie5 . That’s on box ticked onto the next.

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Wow those are beautiful! Yes decoupage im fairly new at it but enjoying it so far! :blush:
My mums been doing it and raised money for breast cancer now.


Hi, Just joined BCN. I had my surgery 4 weeks ago and start EC chemo in 2 weeks followed by Paclitaxel and Herceptin. Diagnosed ER positive and HER2+. Trying to get myself prepared for what is to come and whether I will still be able to function with any normality as I live alone. Any advice and experiences that anyone can offer would really help. Thank you x


Hi @lucy99 I hope all goes well for you, I’m just waiting details of my chemo, but I think it will be similar to you as Im also HER2 and E+ and like you I live alone, so the worry about managing is familiar. Hopefully you have people who will check on you in case you need anything, I know its hard asking, don’t want to be a nuisance and feels like you’re losing independence…but what would you say to someone in your shoes?
There aren’t easy answers but keep reading this thread, lots of good ideas here. Make life as easy as you can. Tell the breast care and chemo team your concerns. Your Gp surgery might have a contact person you can use if you need help, I’ve been given a direct contact number by my practice so I don’t have to go through the usual system. You don’t say if you’re working. I am part time and very flexibly. Let us know how it goes.


@carrie5 great news. I get my second WLE on 24th March so hopefully i get clear margins. All us ladies are doing great :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@jeml oh wow that’s fantastic , well done to your mum :heart_eyes: have you used furniture transfers at all ?

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@lucy99 Let your HCP know that you live alone , they may be able to give you extra support or advice … Do a big online shop before starting chemo and make sure you have ready meals etc in . Do you have any family or friends who can check in on you in the days following a cycle to see if you need anything ?


Welcome to the thread @lucy99 . I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis. But we will be here to support you.

As @arty1 has said let your team know but also your local pharmacy so you can arrange medication to be delivered if you don’t have anybody to collect it for you. When having chemo they generally give you a goody bag of medication but there may be times you need something more to help with side effects.

Have you joined the monthly chemo starters? Here’s the link for March if you haven’t.

Also a charity called Penny Brohn have lots of online sessions, if you click on the Link (Penny Brohn in pink) it will send you to the treatment support programme which you can join for 4 sessions to help with different aspects such as exercise, nutrition. There are doctors and other professionals available to help. They also do a fortnightly Connect group where you can talk to others who have had cancer on Zoom. Online help can be so good especially when you are alone. I’m lucky enough to live within a 30 minute drive of the charity.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: