HER2+ and need some buddies

Hey jem how are you ? What is the drug they have out you on after ? Xx

Radiaderm R1 and R2 worked for me with radiotherapy. I did win in a competition from Dr Liz Oā€™Riordan



@fimac1 Welcome to the exclusive club you never wanted to join ā€¦ however youā€™ve come to the right place ā€¦ pull up a chair and weā€™ll put the kettle on ā€¦ you are amongst friends x

Weā€™ve all been in your shoes ā€¦ hearing that word cancer ā€¦ our worlds turned upside down.
Christmas must have felt frightening and surreal but I promise next Christmas will be better ā€¦

Donā€™t panic about the ct scans ā€¦ some hospitals go all in with all the tests ā€¦ others donā€™t so much but ct scans are par the course in many trusts after a breast cancer diagnosis x
HER2 is one they like to crack on and treat and neo adjuvant chemo (chemo first ) is quite often the way with her2 or bigger tumours and its usual to start quickly when having it before surgery x

Iā€™m currently having chemo and herceptin , I had cycle 3 today . Chemo
Is not a walk in the park . In that you wouldnā€™t actively choose it but itā€™s doable and you will get through it ā€¦ we are all here for you xx


Yes today i saw my surgeon and he told me to check myself. Is it the same type that came back as you had before or a new cancer? Glad you caught it in time again!
I had a mastectomy did you? I guessing its same checking but around scar.
@shannon27 i cant remember what its called but it can be in tablet form or infusion he said and it helps the bones get strong and also proven to work to stop C coming back. I made a friend same age as me and she is on it tooā€¦ not sure if its a fairly new thing. Downside of it you cant have anymore kids and your body goes into menopause.
@arty1 half way there! I remember you going for your 1st oneā€¦ it does go quickly.
And i mentioned it earlier to my surgeon about the change to herceptin and he said it said that on my notesā€¦ i dont know whyā€¦ maybe its because mine is only her2 pos and nothing else? X


As far as checking your boobs, look at Dr Liz O ā€˜Riordan You Tube videos she discusses checking your boobs and what to check and look for after mastectomy.

The bone infusion/ tablet is bisphosphonates, they use Zoledronic acid as an infusion, which I have to help strengthen and prevent cancer coming back in the bones. The tablets can be Ibandronic acid tablets


Ibandronic acid | Macmillan Cancer Support.

You will probably be given D3 Calichew ( vitamin D helps the calcium absorb) to also help strengthen the bones.



Aw right, im triple positive so im not sure what i will get after surgery ? Possibly tamoxifen for hormone blockers, so you cant come of that to have kids ? My oncologist said kids were a possibility after 2 years but i think you can have a break on the tamoxifen then go back on it xx

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I wonder why bone infusion/tablets havenā€™t been mentioned as my lump was in scar tissue where I had my SLNB but not in the nodes but level 1 nodes need removing to get clear margins. I have Osteopenia but it wasnā€™t mentioned either time. Anything to stop it returning is worth having as I really donā€™t want to go through this a third time.

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Nope it was just hormone receptive last time but both hormone and HER2 this time so more agressive. Iā€™m told it may or may not come back. I had a therepeutic mammoplasty last time and am having the lump removed this time and she wants to do a clearance. Iā€™m still not too happy re this but my skin is already tight when I have a mammogram so I donā€™t want it to get worse. It is painful when they donā€™t do the mammogram manually. She said as I am small in that area she doesnā€™t want to not be able to operate if it returns. Iā€™ve also been told itā€™s standard to have a clearance when it returns but it doesnā€™t take account of modern drugs and response to them as I have had a good response so could not have level 3 nodes removed. Iā€™ve spoken to 2 other oncā€™s and they both think I should have a full clearance. When you have nodes removed the lymph system can work differently so it can jump to higher levels rather than just to level 1. Also cancer in level 3 is treatable I have been told but I have also been told by another onc it is metastatic if in level 3. I had 2 nodes removed last time and both were clear. Itā€™s also complicated by having 2 small lung nodules and an 8mm node nr my collarbone on the other side both of which they think are not cancer but I am having a CT on the 30th again for the 3rd time with contrast again as they didnā€™t use contrast last time. They think the nodules changed in size due to using a different machine and is normal for me and the node is due to a jab so hoping itā€™s gone now.


I should imagine you will get hormone tabs. Usually for 5 years i think it is.
And nope i wont be able to have any children as it puts you in the menopause. I have one she turns 3 in febā€¦ i was always in 2 minds anyway if to have another. I do feel a bit sad in a way as i feel getting BC as taken that away from me but i dont want any more stress on the body and i dont fancy being pregnant after this. Just going to focus on my lil one i have and try and enjoy myself now. We going to get a doggy possibly next year :slightly_smiling_face:
@Linda_Corinne well i hope your scans will be clear but it sounds confident if they already said they dont think its anything suspicious. Canā€™t believe you are going through this a second time! But you did it onceā€¦ you can do it again! Mention the treatment next time you speak to your consultant.


Found this info :blush:


Your right, and have to do what is right for you. I know ive got a 5 year old and i feel so lucky to be able to of had her before all of this and will definitely enjoy her more after this. If i can have another one or not, i know a few girls from tiktok that havenā€™t even had kids yet,so having one already is a blessing :heart:

Whats next in your plan for treatment x

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Aw a puppy would be lovely :heart_eyes: definitely after all this it will definitely bring happiness :blush: xx

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Yes thats how i think, i already have the one and i did always want a mini me and i got her :blush: so just going to focus on her as she is my priority and make lots of memories instead.
Her dad as always said he did not want another so i guess i could not have forced it on him even if i 100% wanted another. I do feel a little sad now and again knowing i wont have another though.
We got some fish yesterday in our new tank and i just love watching them with a cuppa so relaxing. Animals bring so much joy. We had a elderly cat but she passed i bet about 2 years ago now nearly.


Aw i know, i was planning on trying for another one had come off my pill in july, and diagnosed in october so that put a stop to it all. But will wait and see but very lucky to have her and be able to enjoy her :heart:

Aw that does sound relaxing, ive got a cockapoo who is 3 and 2 cats :heart: they do bring me so much love :heart: xx

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Worth asking at your next meeting to see if youā€™re eligible for bisphosphonates especially as you have osteopenia.

@jeml a dog is great. Ours was only just 15 months old when I was diagnosed and heā€™s a big dog so it was hard to get people to help us during chemo especially as my treatment was for 12 weeks. Heā€™s been wonderful to have around when I was ill having a snuggle, not realising how big he is and it gets you out of the house for walks in all weathers which is good for us all.


Iā€™m triple positive (was 36 when diagnosed). I was ER8, PR7 so pretty strong on the hormonal scores :see_no_evil:. I didnā€™t have a complete response so Iā€™m on Kadcyla now (3 cycles in). Iā€™m also on Tamoxifen, although chemo has put me into a menopause. Have had bloods to confirm but theyā€™re keeping me on tamoxifen meantime. I donā€™t have kids and was offered the fertility treatment (to preserve eggs) before and ovarian suppression during chemo if I wanted it, but turned it down. I do know though that if you want children this is a discussion that can be had and you can take a break from tamoxifen. I know of several women who have done this.

For me, the other option (that I may be switched to after Kadcyla) is Letrozole (an AI) with zolendronic acid infusions for my bones for 3 years and if my periods come back Iā€™ve been told to let them know, as if I donā€™t stay menopausal Iā€™ve to choose between ovarian suppression or having my ovaries removed in the future. At the moment Iā€™ve been told that the difference in benefit between tamoxifen and Letrozole is negligible for me, so think the current plan is to keep me on Tamoxifen for 10 years (it will be reviewed as guidance can change from time to time, so it may end up less) or Iā€™ll switch to Letrozole part way through. They are reluctant to put me onto Letrozole at the moment due to my age and the side effects, and as the benefit is so small in my particular case theyā€™d rather go with the less drastic option. I havenā€™t had any issues at all with Tamoxifen :smiling_face: theyā€™ll work out whatā€™s best for you in your particular circumstances though after surgery!


@belle1 Thank you for your reply :pray: yes ive followed babies after breast cancer and a few stories on insta of triple positive ladies who have managed to have babies. I have also thought about having ovaries removed if it ever came to that. But yes after i have surgery i will know my next steps, my oncologist says no kids for at least 2 years. What was your initial diagnosis? Im going for an ultrasound next friday :pray::crossed_fingers: to find out how its going then seeing my oncologist on wed 22nd of this month x

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@arty1 thanks for your response. It really does put my mind at ease. I think part of my panic is not having all the answers. With diagnosis before Xmas all the appointments I would have had in the time between Xmas and new year were pushed back (and within a few days of each other). Plus all the question in my head will be answered by the oncologist as the surgeon didnā€™t know as she saw me before the MDM. By this time next week I will know 100% everything I need (read want :rofl:) to know. Itā€™s all been done back to front. At least itā€™s not delaying any treatment.

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My initial diagnosis was a 21mm tumour, no node involvement, grade 2. I had ECT with phesgo during the Docetaxel, lumpectomy, radiotherapy and now Kadcyla/endocrine therapy. Hope your scan goes well!

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Morning all, I hope everyone is well and had a brilliant Christmas and New Year.

Iā€™m after some advice (hopefully) as Iā€™m feeling a little deflated after my 2nd round of chemo (TCHP).

My first round went fine, nothing I couldnā€™t cope with and was feeling like my normal self within 7/8 days. However, my 2nd round which was last week, I had a reaction to the docetaxcel drug which caused heart palpitations and a chest tightening, hot face. This was quickly sorted and the rest of the day went smoothly. Unfortunately I had to call the emergency line yesterday as I am just so out of breath and as soon as I stand my heart rate sky rockets before I even start walking and walking is then so difficult, it got worse over a few days so I called the line and they asked me to come in. After lots of tests they think itā€™s either a blood clot or my heart function is being affected. I had an ultrasound with contrast booked for today anyway as my baseline heart ultrasound wasnā€™t clear and Iā€™ve suffered with SVT since primary school. The doctors really scared me yesterday speaking of heart failure and how bad these drugs are for my heart and that I shouldnā€™t go ahead until this is looked into more, which is understandable but they didnā€™t fill me with confidence. Iā€™m going back in today for heart scan and an ultrasound to check for a clot and then we will go from there but im so worried, has anyone experienced anything similar and can calm my nerves slightly. Thank you xx