Her2+ scared

Hi Everyone I’m Ali 52 from Glasgow. Was diagnosed with Her2+ (no special type) whatever that means. 5cm and no lymph node involvement after meeting with surgeon to get diagnosis and plan. Saw oncologist on 5th march and omg talk about information overload, I have been emotionally tired since that day. So I have 2 get 12 weeks of paclitaxel and 12 weeks of phesgo. Have type 2 diabetes so got bloods done and during treatment I’ll need to check bloods twice daily, never had to do that. I’m absolutely terrified to be honest. I have a fear of choking when I’m sick so that’s praying on my mind. Iv decided to get a number 4 hair cut before starting. Has anyone else been on paclitaxel? I know phesgo is one iv seen on posts. Thanks for reading my post and any advice is welcome xx

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Hi @spooky

I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I was bilateral (2 separate primary tumours, on in each boob) invasive carcinoma, 2cm ER+ HER2+ grade 2 one boob, 0.9cm ER+ grade 1 the other. I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy in July 2023, followed by 12 weekly Paclitaxel and Herceptin for a year. 5 days radiotherapy, the Letrozole and Zometa ( zoledronic acid for bones). I have struggled with Letrozole and swapping next week to Exemestane.

I started on a reduced dose of Paclitaxel as I have a family history heart disease and allergies, it was reduced twice during my treatment due to allergic reaction and then a temperature that took over a week to control from an unknown infection. It’s not nice but it doable. You have be kind to yourself and ask for help for others.

I have been cancer free since my operation.

I cold capped and kept most of my hair except two small patches above my ears and thinning. I had a my hair cut into a short pixie so it was less noticeable.

I’m assuming you are having chemo first and then surgery due to the size of your tumour.

It’s a very scary time but know that your plan has been individualised for you to have the best outcome.

There are monthly chemo starters threads which can offer great support with others going through chemo at the same time as you. Link below if you wish to join.

There is also a very friendly and supportive HER2+ and need some buddies thread that has been going for more than a year with lots of people at different stages of treatment. Link below

When you have chemo you will be given medication to take to help with nausea and prevent you from being sick. If the drug they give you doesn’t work very well, they can swap you to another or have a combination.

If you have any other questions I’d be happy to try and answer them. Otherwise you may want to call and chat to one of the BCN nurses on 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9-4, Sat 9-1.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: