herceptin no 2, 2nd sept anyone else

hi no 2 dose has soon come around. its frightening how quickly time goes… i have has no effects from no1 whatso ever. saying that i had nothing after chemo no 1 but gave up after 4 as so ill…
anyone had side effects after no 2…
i am thinking better about going at the moment as i know its a much shorter stay. mind you i will be a bag of nerves in morning and apt not till 12…
my consultant is trying to get my hospital to pay for me to have i t at home via health care at home. she knew nothing about it nor did i but thanks to you lovely ladies i did some research. she was impressed. as i am a worrier (her words) that’s putting it lightly she thinks it would be good for me. it has gone to clinical manager now for approval then pct trust has to approve lets hope i do and start the trend of for others at my hospital…
have a good day all. must get washing out as sunny here at mo.

Hi Julie

Pleased that you had not side effects from first herceptin. I had my first one at Leicester Royal Infirmary last Tuesday and apart from a long wait I was also ok. I met a lovely woman there who was on her 11th dose and we were both there for about 7 hours. It was 4 hours before our treatment started and I was sent home afterwards, no observation because it was first loading dose that I had been told to expect.

I hope you will be able to have your treatment at home. I am not far from the hospital and feel less isolated seeing others going through the same thing. However, I expect you will feel more relaxed at home and be able to watch TV. I read a very funny book by Maureen Lipman which helped but I was absolutely starving when I was at last discharged as I had been too nervous to eat a thing.

Best of luck and as for being a worrier, you woud have to be crazy not to be one, what a stupid comment from someone who has not had the trauma of this bloody disease. Stay well
