Hi again/ILC here facing double mastectomy

Hi, I had my op 15th Feb last year (MX&LD flap recon) and even through chemo had days away by the seaside and went away for proper holiday in August. Your kids will just adapt to life around them and go with the flow.
The thought of the op is often worse than you will actually be when you get home, I was very frightened and thought no one would cope without me for a week. They actually did ok!
It’s quite normal for the affected side to be sore, after all the prodding and poking, no surprise really!
I wish you all the best, I am in the UK but originally from Germany, so I know what it is like to go through it with no immediate family at hand. Big Hug to you. x

hello ladies, just to let you know that tomorrow morning I am going in. Tomorrow no operation just various tests and meetings with doctors.

operation is on Friday. I am calm and positive. everything is going to be fine with me and with you all.

will be back after operation.

lots of love, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Best of luck with the operation. I hope you recover quickly and well.


Good Luck, will be thinking of you & hope all goes well. Xxx

just wanted to say hi. operation went well yesterday, sentinel node clear so no lymph nodes removed. i am not in pain, went twice for a walk today.on tuesday they will havehystologie and tests results. tomorrow they will bring me samples and catalogues of new silicone boobs and bras.

i don’t know how i feel about my body yet. had a peek at my scars and first thought was that I’m ugly.we will see. its only a beginning of long journey…

thanks again for all your support and advice.

So glad the op went well and good news about the sentinel nodes too.

If that was your first thought about the scars, make the second that now your breasts are gone, you’re cancer free. it is amazing how quickly you can come to terms with the scars and no breasts. I’ve forgotten really what it was like to have breasts - my op was nearly two years ago.
Of course I still wish I had breasts, but I want to make the most of my life as I am now. That’s all so much easier once you get the proper silicone prostheses which will give you back a good shape. In the meantime, I hope everything heals quickly.

take care and thanks for letting us know.
Elinda x