Was referred to Breast clinic after having very tender breasts before, during & after period.
I have been told I am menopausal???
He examined me & said that my right breast was very lumpy & a lymph node was also up in my right armpit. He has requested a mammagram/ultrasound. He said on a worry scale of 1-5 I was a 2 purely due to the fact that I have had Thyroid Cancer. He did say that it could be purely menopausal
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I just feel like my boobs have gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!!!lol
I have been prodded & poked twice this week, once by the GP 7 once by the consultant.
Just can’t stand the waiting game - it may be as long as 6 weeks that I have to wait for my appt for a mammagram/ultrasound. Consultant said to go on hol & enjoy myself, which is very difficult to do with this hanging over you. I know there are a lot of people out there in a lot worse situations than me but I am so scared!!!
I too was referred to breast clinic with very similar symptoms as you describe. Also my GP & consultant felt the tenderness in my breasts was due to hormones (I’m 48 and my periods have been all over the place for the past 4-5 months).
The mammogram showed I have calcifications in my right breast & 2 days later I had a core biopsy. When the breast nurse phoned me she said the biopsy showed mainly normal tissue which was great news, however there where areas of slight concern so the consultant wants to repeat the tests in 6 months time. Not such great news because the thought of waiting another 6 months with all this uncertainty hanging over me is awful.
All this was 6 weeks ago so I have another 4 and a half months to wait for the repeat test so I understand perfectly what you mean about the waiting. I have good days where I barely think about it but others when I feel really frightened & just wish I knew either way for sure.
Hope you’re not waiting too long. In the meantime you can be sure of some wonderful help and support from the lovely ladies who take time to post on here. Good Luck xxx
I had my Mam/scan 3 weeks ago and the lady who did it said there was nothing that looked suspicious. She said I would hear from the consultant within 3-4 weeks via a letter.
I no longer have any tenderness and things have settled.
However I have just received a phonecall from the imaging dept at the hospital to go back for further slides or tests Can’t remember what she said, went into panic. I have to go back next Wed to have the mammogram and what ever else they need to do. She also said that they have to call quite a few ladies back just to make sure???
This happened to a friend of mine last year and she was in a terrible state! It turned out that the mammogram had been taken on a day when the machine had been playing up and all the ladies had been recalled. I hope this is the same case for you. Try not to worry.