Happy New Year, and I really do hope it is for you. I trust that the threat of eviction has been resolved and that you and your little girl did have a happy Christmas.
I have been off-line for a while because the chemo is playing havoc with me, I am just getting back on my feet and I have blast number 3 next Thursday.
I noticed your thread on itchy face and neck, no advice I am afraid as I haven’t and won’t receive Tamoxifen. I hope its cleared up though.
Hi Carol & Cecelia,
Hope you both had a good xmas & new year, i hope the chemo did’nt affect you to much Carol,not a nice time for you to go through that at this time of the year, or any time for that matter lol !!
Thanks for both of you following my threads,as for my eviction i’m just staying put until they house me,got to think of Charley she comes first.Xmas went quite well but new year was better,went to my ex wifes and saw it through with my two eldist sons.
The problem with the itching has now gone since the DR put me on the tabs,still got the damn cold sore though, so i don’t look very pretty (never did in the first place !! ) lol
Well take care ladies & hope alls well,stay posted,
Like Celia I am pleased to hear that you still have a place to stay even if not ideal. I think you are quite right, you must put Charley first and I guess that is in your mums thoughts too.
Good news about the New Year and spending time with your sons.
As before I do hope the new year brings a lot more happiness for you.
Hi Carol,
Sorry i’ve not been on site for a while but i’m not on line at the moment,
having to use a friends now and then,
Your concern is very much welcome,things are still the same but my solicitor has told me not to move but to stay and fight the case at court so some good may come out of it after all,
anyway i’ve got through the first stage of being accepted on this years fashion show i have to go to London next month.
So thanks again and please keep in touch,
all the best for everyone
I was in the fashion show in 2003 and it was an absolutely amazing experience - one that I have never experienced before and meeting so many well known people.
Good luck - I get the impression that those who get to go down to London (I had two ‘fittings’ before the show) means that you’ve got in, it certainly did for all of us.
Its good to hear from you again, I noticed one of your postings on ‘Men with BC’ but didn’t want to add any comments as the young man who started it had some real concerns of which I couldn’t add anything useful.
The fashion show should keep you on your toes for the next few weeks, I might consider travelling to London for it, I’ll have to look up the dates etc.
Thank’s Pinkdove & Carol,
Hope all’s ok,
anyway i’ve got my train ticket & hope Carol you can make it as i would love to meet you as you have been so supportive & shown so much concern in my daughter & me.
Well no change with mother but i may well move to the Margate area with my daughter so we can be close to my other son & daughter, & my 15yr old daughter will be on my arm at the show & that i am so looking forward to because i’m a bit of a soppy old sod & i will be so proud of her.
anyway take care all of you & thank’s again,
I know you dont visit the sites so often these days ( Neither do I) but I still wonder how things are going for you?
Have you found somewhere to stay? How’s that little girl of yours? Has your mum mellowed a little, how did the fashion show go? How are the articles going? And of course how are you feeling?
No i don’t visit the site as often as i should,but then again “i am a man you know”…lol
And no i still have not found anywhere to live,but it at least did give me the chance to spoil Charley at xmas and she is doing fine (at school now)…hooray.
My mum is still a pain in the a**e but i have hardened to her issues now and just let her mope on it…i just don’t like her trying yo give me a bad name to friends and family.
The fashion show was fantastic but all over too soon,the good thing is iv’e made some superb lady friends and set my 19 yr old son up with one of them and they have been going out for some time now,sweet eh!.
We all get on so well that we have decided to have a reunion each year (or two a year) because we all miss eachother so much.
I met a gentelman from a company at the show who is going to hopefully help me in the setting up of a web site for men with B/C.
As for me well i feel better in myself now…not %100 but then thats normal.
So now you have missed me so much Carol…when am i popping over for a coffee and a chat then…lol, all the tongue’s will start to wag you know.
If you or anyone wants to see the fashion show video then i have it on Facebook,but you will have to send a message if you decide to befriend me so i know who you are…cum-on i don’t bite!
I am glad you had a good time with Sophie at Christmas.
Although you are worried about your mum giving you a bad name try to bear in mind none of us can control what folks say or do but we cn control how we react. You know your worth,your inner strengths and your outlook on life. I would be very surprised if your true friends were taking on board the negative stuff your mum says. If they are influenced by her are they friends?.
On a happier note I am glad you are able to maintain the reunions, I am sure they will be supportive.
I don’t think we will get to meet other than if I do make it to a conference. I had hoped to make this Febs but I have been too well.
Not the cancer (I hope) I am just over working ( I am a workaholic)
I am off on a holiday tomorrow, Malta in June, Europe ( As the Americans say) in August and Lakes in October.
We are making up for the lack of holidays last year.
All my treatment finished in December it seems really good to be free of hospital journeys.
Hi Carol,
Not been on for ages,lots happened,mother changed the locks on my house and took it off us,the lady i met and was only courting for 3wks took us in and we made a go of it for 2.5yrs,children was a problem and her jealousy was an issue also.
Now we have split and me and Charley have moved to Kent to be near my other 2 kids,we are in a flat,not great but we are happy enough and it will do,
chat soon and take care…Lance x