Ive had 3 fec and 2 tax due next one next friday but have got high blood pressure at the moment has anyone else had problems with this as im now worrying about it (which wont help the blood pressure)just being monotered at the moment
sally why are they checking your BP? is there a known association with your chemo and BP or did they just check cos you were there?
last time mine was checked was when i was an inpatient following surgery in may… but not had it done at all since starting chemo at the end of june.
mine is usually low but i wouldnt be surprised if it was high having to deal with the stress of being diagnosed and undergoing treatment.
do you know how high it was as it may just have been borderline or perhaps its white coat syndrome which is very common.
actually iv just had a look and taxotere is more likely associated with lower blood pressure than higher BP.
generally with regards to high BP is get it checked regularly over the next few weeks and if its still high they will prob want to do a 2 hour tape which means wearing a bp cuff for 24 hours and it records your BP every 15 mins during the day and every hour over night… this indicates if you actually have true hypertension or if its just the white coat/stressed out type of high blood pressure which is just situational and not serious problem.
if you have borderline they may just monitor you but if its high then they may want to try you on medication.
but i wouldnt worry about going down that route just yet.
if you are a smoker or drink loads of coffee and you ran up 2 flights of stairs before you had your bp checked then it probably would be high… and if your worried you can do things like stop smoking if you do, cut out caffiene and reduce your salt intake.
thank for the onfo very helpful. i went to dcs cos ive had a headache for a few weeks , well i say headach it was the occasional throb and cos ive been having palpitations(they come and go) so they checked it and it was abit high, cant remember what it was might have been 150 over 100. i havent drank caffien for years dont drink achol but i do smoke, had cut down befroe diognosis to 5 a day the onc said not to worry about it and not to try to give up while having treeatment, but dont smoke many a day now.i eat as healthy as pos and until this i kick-boxed at least 2 time s a week adn did hill walking so its prob due to chemo.
see nurse at 9 tomorrow so shall see so fingers crossed.
apart from that i feel fine lOL
thanks again for info, are you a nurse by any chance as your very well informed.
My BP suddenly got very high on diagnosis with my second primary tumour just over 5 years ago.
It’s been controlled by meds ever since (I’m now 53), which have just recently been beefed up a bit more.
I agree with Lulu - Taxotere (Taxol, too) has a tendency to lower BP, so your chemo won’t be making it worse.
If you can make any of those ‘lifestyle’ changes, that’s good, but some of us do everything right and still get it. High BP runs in my family…is it the same in yours?
thanks for you comment, as far as im aware it dosent, will have to ask family as both my parents are dead.
i have just googled the steriods im on and it is one of the side affects from them , im seeing my onc tomorrow for pre chemo check so will hopefully find out more.
will keep you posted
thanks again sally xx
Hi Lulu
all went well with onc, shes happy for me to have last chemo on friday. im being refered to cardiologist but the echo was normal and my palpatations wont stop the herceptin either so thats good, shes not overly concerned about bp asked if it was the steriods and she said no but im still not convinced as when i had a reaction as they put tax in last time and gave me more steriods iv . they took my bp when i had the reaction and nothing was said about it being high then.
only had the occassional throb as back of head since i started the tax.
going to gp tomorrow and he asked for extra bloods yesterday to chek lipids etc so have to wait and see
just a bit concerned as im having steriods iv again on friday before they give me the tax to stop a reaction again and worried in case it sends it higher.
bit fed up about all this as had no health problems before the bc and now this.