Hip pain on just laying down anyone?

i did ask this question but dont think it was really on the right thread…any way took tamoxifen for 4+ yrs a few months ago my hip started playing up but only at night when i lay on it in bed no other times like walking etc just when i lay on it.anyone else had this?also it looks like i have fluid on my hip bone but that isnt where it hurts its more like the bone in by buttock… i have read a while back someone saying you  can get fluid on the joints when taking tamoxifenx

Hi sarah63

It might help to give our Helpline a call to talk this over.  They will be able to offer you information and support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Yes, exactly as you describe.  Only the one hip but the pain severe enough to keep me awake sometimes. I have only been on Tam for 3 months and did not connect it to the hip problem.  I thought there was something wrong with my hip joint but it was so strange that I could walk miles and play golf without pain.  My GP examined me and said the hip was fine and that the pain was probably just a soft tissue injury.  The last couple of weeks I seem to have had a slight improvement, so I’m hoping!    Such a relief to know what’s causing it and that I’m not alone.