hit a wall

Hi all

I have been reading this site for over a year and cried and laughed at many things written but today felt i had to write, After a masectomy 1 Aug 2007 7 months chemo 1 month radio thought yeah Im on the way. Managed to work full time through it all and stayed really positive.

Now wham!!! 4 weeks ago I finished radio now on tamoxifen and my world is upside down . Doc signed me off two weeks as i just cant cope everything seems to be too much and i thought i was coping so well. I feel so lonely and abandoned i think going to the hospitla for chemo and radio made me feel protected but now i feel out on a limb .

Just need a cuddle lol but i know ill be ok soon

sorry for the rant but you know how it is some days

((((((((ails38)))))) - there’s your cuddle. Hope it makes you feel a bit better.

I know what you mean about feeling that you are out on a limb now that the hospital visits are over. I had WLE in Jan 08 and then 29 rads mid march to end of April - was delighted to reach the end of rads but also a bit hmmmm cos I flet as long as I was ‘on treatment’ I was doing something, then when it came to an end I had a little bit of a worry - I just declared that I was mended now and the cancer issue was over and done with… maybe this is naive but it’s let me continue to be a fully functional adult and not worrying all the time about what is going to happen next.

I went back to work 2 weeks after my surgery (my choice not the company’s) and worked throughout rads and I think it really helped me cope with everything that was going on.

Hi lilacblushes

Thank you for the cuddle. Much appreciated.



I can really appreciate how you are feeeling, it must be so hard to “resume normal life”. Can I recommend an article to you that a number of people have found helpful, it is by Dr Peter Harvey and this is the link


Hope this helps

Louise x

You feel your buffer has gone. This is very common. I would suggest you contact your BC Nurse and maybe arrange some counselling. I was given theraputic massage which was very gentle. But mostly it was an opportunity to talk to the masseur who was a trained specialist cancer nurse and sooooo lovely. Although not strickly counselling, that’s what I got! It really helped. Don’t suffer alone, there are people out there to help you through this blip. Well done on working through it, but this may have been a contributing factor to how you feel now. I didn’t work for 11 mths, and returned phased and part-time, and I found it really quite hard some days.

Good luck


I got directed to this site when looking for information on Aremidex. I am glad I did!

It is very normal to feel like you feel. As much as we hate how chemo and radiation therapy makes us feel, at least we were doing something to kill the cancer.

Once we finish that part of our journey the doctors and even many of the support organizations act like we are back to normal and everything is OK again. The truth is that your reaction is usual. Suddenly much of your support and guidance is gone. It is kind of like they all get to move on and they leave you to deal with the outcome alone.

The good news is that you are not actually alone. There are many others who are further down the path and understand. As your body heals and gains strength your mind and emotions have to come to terms with what has happened. That takes a while and is an ongoing process.