Hiya, Tracey here

Hi Tracey, got my biopsy results Her2 + like you. Surgeon said lymph nodes clear but I’m not sure how he could tell but anyway, iv to go to oncology at New Victoria hospital on Wednesday, he said 5 months chemo then surgery around sept, October. I’m terrified but relieved that there is something they can do. Hope your doing ok with your treatment and your besties and fur babies are keeping you going through this tough time xx

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Hi Ali, ohhh I’m so sorry that you’ve got your diagnosis and it’s that one :disappointed: my heart is with you :heart: my doc said my lymph nodes are clear too. They spent a lot of time checking them at the ultrasound scan so I presume that’s how they would know. I was the same as you though and I just kept telling myself “well, they see this every day and they know what they’re doing”.

When do you start chemo and are you having the EC first then the Docetaxel & Phesgo after that?

I have come to the conclusion that even though the chemo is a slog, it’s working away and getting rid of the lump. I had my oncologist appointment on Thursday and the doc said my lump has shrunk considerably so that’s proof that it’s doing its job. :partying_face:

Please know that I’m here if you need a shoulder, even though it’s just on the forum, and I know that it’s being a great source of info and comfort for me and hopefully for you too.

Try not to get too overwhelmed… it seems like a long journey but, when you’re counting the 21 days between treatments, it’s goes quite fast … I’ve got 1 more EC left now and it’s flown by.

Sending virtual hugs and love to you Ali and family,
Tracey xx

Good morning @traceyp23 and @spooky

Like you I am HER2 positive. If you haven’t read/ joined the following thread consider song so.

I was diagnosed with triple positive BC late November and started chemo and targeted therapy on Jan 17th. Surgery is to follow them more targeted therapy. Our treatment is long haul and the HER2 thread which started 15 months ago not is a lengthy read from start to finish but a worthwhile read. Full of useful information and tips. It tells the stories of women of all ages who have made it through. It has filled me with hope and positivity. They are a really supportive bunch.

The monthly chemotherapy starters are also really helpful. We chivvy and support each other along.

Best wishes. Xxx

Hi Tracey, oh thank you for your kind words and support and it is returned as you say even if it’s just on the forum. I have to see my oncologist on 5th march and no doubt I’ll find out when I start and what the chemo is. Iv got cardiology on the 11th march for an ECG I’m not sure if that’s routine or not?
That is amazing news your tumour has shrunk and chemo is doing its job. That must be so much of a relief to know this. I started to google and I was getting so many different answers, some where taking me down a rabbit hole so iv ditched google. I read loads of posts here like yours and others and I have so much hope for the future. Still terrified aswell though.
Meant to say it says beside her2 positive (no specific type) I don’t know what that means I like yourself didn’t ask too many questions. I hope you and your fur babies are doing well. Can I also ask people are saying lemon & barley water is a game changer, would you happen to know what they mean by that? P.s sorry for all the questions.

Take care
Ali :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Hi Mrsjelly nice to meet you. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was told at breast screening would prob be radio then surgery but it’s chemo then surgery. I am terrified to be honest, I have thoughts like what if I get infections during chemo, colds, flu, Covid etc. I am up to date with my flu jab and Covid boosters but it’s still in the back of my mind. My mental health is taking me to dark places, was thinking of going to my gp and asking if they can up my anti depressants so I don’t fall into that dark place again. I am a ray of sunshine aren’t I? :joy::joy:. I wish you all the best xx

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Yes, the ECG is normal, and fascinating! It’s weird to see your heart working right there on the screen. I had a great conversation with the Cardiologist and really wish I’d taken some photos lol. It’s just to check that your heart is functioning properly as some types of chemo can be a bit tough on it. Have they mentioned which types you’re having?
Ohhh stay away from Google completely haha. It terrified and upset me. I usually have a look at the McMillan site or this forum/site for any info I need. Sometimes less is more lol.
I actually read about the No Specific Type this morning. It accounts for 80% of all Breast Cancer and develops from the milk ducts.
Re:the lemon barley water… chemo affects your taste and can make water taste odd. I found that it felt thick and gloopy too. Adding lemon barley water made it taste really nice and easier to cope with so it’s worth getting some in.
I hope your Cats and Dog are giving you lots of cuddles (and your Husband and Daughters too lol)
Much love xx

Hi Hopeful1974, I am so glad you are cancer free now. It’s so good to hear other people’s stories whether just diagnosed, going through treatment or at the other end. I got diagnosed on 25th February 2025 with Her2 positive (no specific type), I was terrified to go to the appointment for my results, breast screening said they were 97% positive it was cancer. I knew I was going for that reason but was terrified of what the doc was going to tell me. I was told it’s not in my lymph nodes so I’m hoping he’s right. I have my appointment with oncology this Wednesday, then following week cardiology to check the old ticker before treatment. Iv been told 5 months chemo then surgery sept, oct time. It’s sinking in a bit now and my moods are all over the place, very teary and very snappy at my hubby & daughter. I’m thinking of going to my GP to see if they can up my happy pills as I don’t want to go to that dark place again. Xx

Hi Tracey oh really? I just thought it was a heart tracing oh well video of the old ticker it is lol. Iv got my 1st appointment with oncology this Wednesday the 5th so will probably find out what type then. I am getting all jittery thinking about it, will I lose my hair etc. (shaved mine during Covid) so not a problem to be honest, more thinking of being sick, my daughter is 15 and has Autism and she said hope your not going to be sick all the time and I’m like, I’m not sure. I know it’s going to do its job but it’s daunting, we all must feel like that eh? I shall let you know how I get on when I see oncologist on Wednesday. Hope your doing ok, hugs to you and your fur babies :two_hearts: xx

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I thought it was just an ECG trace with the stickers on too but they said it was a proper cardiogram… yes, let me know how you get on xx

Hi Tracey, how are you doing? Was at oncology yesterday so I was so overwhelmed by everything that was spoke about. So iv to get Paclitaxel and phesgo, I know one is intravenous and one is injection under the skin. Not sure what is which lol. I got bloods done yesterday for my diabetes and usual ones. Blood test done for Braca gene as my bro had prostate cancer and sister had radio for pre cancer cells. I’m hoping it’s negative as my daughter would have a 50% chance of having the gene :sob::sob::sob:. So next Tuesday Echo, then 17th breast MRI then following week chemo starts…. I’m literally shitting a brick. I’m hoping someone maybe on here is on these chemos and can tell me how it is. My hubby has bought me a big reclining chair as I don’t want to be in my bed lol. I’ll sleep in living room on my worst days and have a date with Netflix and fire stick. Hope you and your fur babies are well. Oh and he said I’ll lose my hair quickly so I’m going to shave it off as the thought of it falling out gives me the fear. I don’t like anything on my head so cold cap is off the table. :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Hiya Ali, I was thinking about you yesterday and looking out for a post. Didn’t want to message you so you could take things in.

So you’ve got your regime all planned which is good… you can write it all on your calendar now lol.

If you have a look at the “Chemotherapy” threads you’ll definitely find someone who’s on the same as you, it’s been a great help to me on my shtty journey through EC which is the gift that keeps on giving… constipation. This time and generally feeling shte haha. Oh the joys!

I know it’s easy to say “you’ll be fine” and “you’ve got this!” But seriously… take every day as it comes. No 2 days or cycles are the same and, the MOST important thing… REST! Let the chemo do its job and remember that it’s ok to feel rubbish… it’s all part of it. The chemo makes you feel like that be star it’s doing its job and healing you.

As I ended up in hospital with sepsis during the first cycle I invested in some disposable latex gloves and hand sanitizer for the second cycle. I got bleach wipes for door handles and taps etc and I KNOW that sounds very over cautious but I’ve stayed out of hospital so far and it gives me peace of mind. Ive always got the hand sanitizer next to my seat for after I’ve stroked the dogs and cat… again, a bit excessive but I’m not taking any risks with being in my own and having to have friends come and stay overnight with my pups & cat and me not being able to be here for them.

I went back to bed for the first time yesterday because I was struggling but otherwise I’ve been on the settee with Netflix & the Firestick, same as you lol. They’ve been a God-Send! Hahaha

You’re in the BEST of hands and the oncologists know what they’re doing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: much love to you and all the family … furry and otherwise lol xxx

Aaaw I always love your responses Tracey :two_hearts:. I will find out next Wednesday when I go to sign consent forms and blood results what my regime is. Aw it sounds like you are doing amazing through it all even with the constipation which is a right royal pain in the butt.
My best friend bought me a big chemo care package and I was bubbling, honestly she has researched everything better than the FBI could :joy:, we’ve been friends for 38 years, I’m a very humorous person and that’s how I deal with things as she is too, this morning she let it out as she’s been holding it all inside. I’m consoling her :joy::joy:. When I lost my son in 2019 I was the same holding it together and being strong for my hubby & daughter that’s just me. Same as now being strong for everyone else.
Anyway your advice will help me tenfold and I will take everything on board, it’s really things you don’t think about on a daily basis isn’t it?. Yes the chemo will be doing its job and as they say things get worse before they get better.
Iv now got a list as long as a criminals rap sheet :joy::joy:. I will go on the chemo threads and hopefully find someone on the same chemo.
Oh yes Netflix and fire stick defo going to be a god send along with my reclining chair and my big fan as may get flushes (not long got rid of them as I’m 4 years post menopausal).
I’m looking into getting eyebrow temporary tattoos as I don’t want to not have any lol. I wear glasses so won’t see the eyelash loss so that’s a bonus, might get fake ones :joy::joy::joy:.
Sending you a big virtual hug and lots of love from me and my family & fur babies :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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