HO HUM its that time again!; )

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the comments.
Had a bit of an sleepless night (does nbot surprise me with everything goig on!)
I am so glad you enjoyed your day! Cant way to go and join in on the cleansed and toned club!
DIlys - can relate to those strange days!

Well better go an put some slap on as blood nurse coming soon then of to oncs.
Will let you know how I get on…

Take Care oh cleansed ones…



Dilys: very funny LOL !! hope you get the male onc especially as you have put so much into cleansing etc (theres a lot to do isn’t there, I must admit I wasn’t so thorough!)

Mel: hope you sleep better tonight, get a rest today if you can I find watching David Dickinson on ITV in the afternoons sends me to sleep!!!

To eveyone else have a good day



Hope you got on ok with your bloods today - and that everything is good for your 3rd chemo tomorrow - let us know how you got on when you can.

Take care

Hi Dilys,

Oh cleansed and toned one!!! I’m so glad you had a lovely time, I can’t wait to go now!! I’m hoping you got the male doc today!!

Ladies that don’t cleanse and tone - SHAME ON YOU!!! I reckon I should go to the top of the class when it comes to skincare (LOL!), I cleanse, tone and moisturise morning and night! Check me out!! I have to though, gotta keep hold of my lovely 27 year old boyfriend!!

Mel - so sorry to hear of your male colleagues’ passing, I hope it doesn’t get you too down. You know where we are if it does! Hope the bloods went ok today.

Take care all and get cleansing!!


Hi Everyone

Guess who got the lady onc? Never mind, I really like her the best as she answers questions and isn’t one tiny weeny bit patronising. All my cleansing, toning and, wait for it, eyebrow makeup went for nothing! I felt good though. Don’t think I can keep this up for ever though. It takes far too long! Once my hair is back the morning routine could stretch for hours! Don’t know how you do it, Kelly! Mind you the lady onc told me how well I was looking (sigh).

Bloods ok today so I am on for the second tax tomorrow. Can’t wait. After that I can say just one more to go. How did you get on Mel? Hope you were ok? If so we can mentally hold hands tomorrow.

Lots of love to all



I should have my bloods results later when the homecare nurse phones lets just hope is not more bad news else I’ll be back on moaning more - sorry guys I bet you get fed up with me moaning I never used to! I am really or was a pretty up beat person - you know live life to the full kinda gal!

Have done another thread about onc - not sure yet how I feel as I am HER2+ therefore herceptin for a year…

Anyway I have not long gat back from boots and have given my bank card a bashing - so I can cleanse and tone and moisturise with the rest of you - oh plus buff!!! LOL I sound like that piece of stretched skin out of dr who - brain blank cant think of her name - oh Casandra as my son pipes up!!! “Moisturise me moisterise me” hehe :wink:


Hi Mel

See the newspapers today about herceptin? I hated it when I heard I was on for all that but have now decided to be grateful. Moaned like mad before that. We should be happy though. Are you ok for tomorrow? I am. Can’t wait for my poisoning! But thank god we are still here, and will be here for a fair few years.

Love to you all


Hi Dilys,

Nurse called around 6pm My blood are spot oneYipppee some goods news!! she will be here 10.45am to give me my poison!!! Bring it on!

Yes I did read the paper - Daily Mail! My consultant had something to do with the trail i think so was able to tell me all about it! but he did say that the paper did not print the full story!

So yes once the anger subsided I am just glad that i can get it and that I feel that Im getting the best treatment available!

I will think of you tomorrow - hope it goes ok. What time you having your poison(wish it was a nice vintage glass of port!) we can imagine…

Take Care and let me know how you get on.


Hi Mel

I know what you mean. I was gutted when I first realised I had a whole year on herceptin. Now I am just grateful. Anything that can be done and boy is it expensive. Have to be there at 1030 so hope it will all be on time. I’ll think of you. How lucky are you to be at home for it! How did you manage that? But my chemo unit is great. A laugh a minute with the lovely nurses there. You can’t be miserable with them around. And you get to know others as well. Physical surroundings are rubbish, but the people are great and need medals, all of them. As of course do we!

Glass of wine or two in the evening!
Love you



Hi Dilys,

Did not sleep to good - lots to think about!

It is an option that Stafford Hospital offer - to have chemo at home. I chose this option because it works around OH shifts, kids and the wait at the ward was a nightmare, but yes I do agree the nurses are great and a laugh but after the first one at the hospital with a two hour wait I could not go through that again. at least this way if my nurse is going to be late I got home comforts and this site!!!

Fingers X for today.
Chat to you later.

Loads of cyber hugs



Hi Mel

Me neither. Woke up at 4am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Ho hum. Am now all “made-up”, full of steroids and wearing the wig so they won’t recognise me! Off in about half an hour. Hope it goes well for you and that you will feel me holding your hand. Nearly there. Can’t wait to be able to say only one more to go.

What a great option to do it at home. No one even mentioned that to me so I don’t think they do it. Could be wrong of course but one of the nurses there used to do home visits (think they were private) and she never mentioned it while we were chatting about that. It is weird the way everywhere can be so different. Nice that it suits you though. I don’t have kids to worry about. Not sure how those of you with children cope to be honest! You are heroines.

Chat later and good luck!

Lots of love


Good Luck Dilys and Mel for today with your chemo sessions. Hope everything goes OK for you both and that neither of you suffer too much at all. Let us know how you get on.

Take care

Good luck all hope all goes well.
Thinking of you.

Kim x

Mel & Dilys,

I just wanted to echo what so many others have already said and wish you well for your chemo today,

Thinking of you oh cleansed ones!

Take care and may your side effects be minimal!!


Hallo Dawn, Kim, Kelly and Mel

Thanks for all your good wishes - much appreciated. It was a long one today as the drips were running slowly. But I had a good vein day which was wonderful - no trouble at all. I saw someone just starting on the first FEC today and was so tempted to join in with all my advice but they didn’t seem the sort to want to know at this stage! So I shut up. Oh and I can now say only one more chemo as such to go. What a great feeling. Can’t believe the time has gone so quickly - I know you will all understand that feeling. Long haul on herceptin after that, but hopefully without the side effects. Yippee!

Mel - how did it go for you? Hope it was ok. I am going out for a drink later in celebration and before the taste gets worse again!

Incidentally the wig went down a storm! I proved another theory too. One of the lovely young doctors from when I was there being neutropenic always always says hallo and talks when I see him. My bet was that he recognised the turban rather than me. And sure enough - he didn’t recognise me today! Weird, isn’t it?

Lots of love to you all


Hi All,

Many many thanks for the best wishes.

It went well my vein is very tired so she was going to try the other hand but is wasnt having any of it so had to stick to the same one as I did not want and attempts whilst kids were there 0h could have got messy!!!

Kids were great - they even sat around eating there dinner as it was a normal day ( well sort of) but the nurse was great too she answered all their little questions age appropriately, she even let them help a little like put my plaster on or hold the swab! she was so good! Kids made me proud!

Starting to feel a bit yuk but cant complain!

Halfway there now 3 down 3 to go…then taxotere x 4…operation…herceptin…oh forgot the rads. then hoping it will all be worth it
NO it WILL be Worth it!!!

Dilys - glad you ok wish I could come out with you but got kids and no OH a hes at work! So have one for me I like red…lol…
Glad the wig went down well - have not been brave enough to wear mine out…; o

Thanks again
Cyber hugs and gigges.


Hi Dilys & Mel,

I am so glad you both got on ok today. Thats another one down, hurrah!!!

Sounds like we’re all having Herceptin so no doubt we’ll be in touch for some time to come!!

Take care and may your side effects be minimal,


Hi Dilys and Mel

Glad you both got on OK with your chemo sessions today, another one over and done with - hope the side effects are non existent.

Ditto what Kelly said, seems we are all gonna be on Herceptin, so we can share symptoms and laughter together. Maybe one day, when we are all well and up for it, we can all arrange to meet in the middle somewhere - wherever that may be. Hopefully all have hair again too …

Take care

I’m defo up for that Dawn!

Sounds good to me,


Hi Mel and everyone

Glad it was ok-ish for you. Mel your kids sound like stars. You must be so proud Defo up for meeting. Getting tired now and cooking the last dinner I will eat for a while, I suspect. Never mind. I like the weight loss and the onc thought it wasn’t too dramatic so good. A benefit at last!

Hope you all sleep well. Must go and take the steroids now before I forget. Lovely!

Much love and strength

