Holiday insurance abroad

Hi all,
I have a quick question, can anybody recommend an insurance company for holiday insurance?
We received the news this week that the nodules in my lungs have greatly reduced, so once we speak to the oncologist and get the ok, we are planning a big trip to the Caribbean, but the insurance quotes are astronomical, can anybody recommend anyone where the quotes are reasonable?

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Hi, I am led to believe that Admiral take medical conditions in to consideration. Enjoy the Carribbean xx

The one I used to go to Greece was called “ insurance with “it was recommended to me and it’s very reasonable had all the appropriate drop down boxes to add in information In regards to scans, bloods , medications etc . Enjoy your holiday

I posted on this thread with a BCN live and some providers that had been recommended.

Insurancewith are the company involved in the BCN live.


I insured with insurancewith this year. Everything was fine until I added my other pre-existing conditions which are nowhere near as serious as cancer and I felt they were excessive with the price and excess loaded on the policy - made even worse when they mentioned they could withdraw the offer at a later date. Not impressed and wouldn’t use them again

Hi Shellfish
I went with Staysure, they were a little more than my previous insurers but not ridiculous.
Have a great holiday!

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Hi all

Just tacking on an acknowledgement for future ref so this will be easier to find in my posts history. Thanks everyone for your tips :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just jumping on here for advice. Has anyone purchased travel insurance whilst still in the middle of chemo and/or awaiting radiotherapy, for a holiday which will be after all treatment finishes? I’m not sure if I’ve been answering the questions wrong but I tried two companies I saw recommended here and couldn’t complete the quotes online. I need to ring one back now I have the info re the last 2 years gp visits, but the other company basically said no. I’d like to book flights while they’re cheap but I won’t finish treatment until at least mid March.

I booked with insurancewith. I’m still undergoing treatment and they were the best by far, also has cruise cover as an add on if req.
they were recommended on here.

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I have metastatic cancer. I have never had a problem with Insurancewith.

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Thanks @shellfish @Coddfish
I think it was them I tried but I’m going to try again as I must’ve answered some questions wrong or something. I think it was the part where they asked if I’m waiting for further treatment which is either new or established. I said yes, further chemo which is not new, and then radiotherapy which will be new. She went away and put me on hold and when she came back she said sorry we can’t offer you a quote :woman_shrugging:t2: But I’ll happily go back to them now and explain things again, knowing that others have successfully received quotes. The other one I’ve seen recommended is Staysure so I plan to try them too.

I’m actually abroad as we spk (had chemo then radio)

I used staysure as they had slightly better Trustpilot reviews vs insurancewith

Some tips
Getting the insurance after active treatment ends is a lot cheaper ! I got insurance for this trip after I completed radio and saved £500 (my trip is in the USA so medical is ££)

To save a bit more money I had had my hubby & kids on a separate but linked policy with staysure and saved £100ish

Good luck xx