Just thought i would start a new thread to see what plans everyone has made or is going to make for a holiday in 2012.
I have booked a caravan in Sandford (poole) for Easter for a week when i finish Chemo and before i start RADS (hopefully the weather will be kind)
I did have the Maldives booked but won’t be able to go now maybe 2013??
Ive then booked 3 weeks in Florida, 2 weeks at Disney Port Orleans and 10 nights staying on International Drive, have been saving up for ages and now the kids will be old enough to enjoy it
first of all hope you are doing ok with your treatment, i have seen you on other threads and followed your updates.
i hope weather in poole will stay fine for you. i went there last year for a week (first time we had been) and thought it was lovely. we rented a cottage/house near poole quay. there are some lovely places round there to trip off to as well.
what a shame about the maldives, but you will enjoy it even more in 2013.
when is your florida holiday booked for, i hope you and your family have fabulous time.
i picked up some brochures just yesterday to try and focus on something to look forward to. i have only just started my treatment, only had op so far and waiting to see if further surgery needed before rads and what ever else. its so stressful. so darent book anything.
we are hoping to go away with my mum and dad next year though to lanzarote. they wanted us to go with them earlier this year but we didnt get, so next year i definatley want to go with them if i can.
plus its my 40th in june so would love to be able to go somewhere for that too, i am crossing my
fingers. would love to go to new york!
treatment is up and down i am having 3rd fec on wednesday.
I used to live in Corfe Castle on Studland road when i was a child and havent been back to the area for about 17 years so i am looking forward to it, also meeting some old friends i used to go to school with.
The Maldives was booked for my 30th but i want to enjoy it better in 2013 when my hair grows back and its safe for me to have the injections etc.
Florida is booked for 1st November 2012, am really looking forward to taking the kids, my husband is flying out with his 2 kids on the 15th to meet us and then we will enjoy a further 10 days together.
I loved Lanzarote when i went a few years ago, there are some really lovely beaches but its best to hire a car, you can also take the ferry across to fueventura its about 20 mins.
New york was amazing, i went last year with my sister, we went in january and was so cold lots of snow but found central park very pretty, only spent 2 nights there before heading off to Las Vegas so would love to go back in the summer for longer.
We are Formula 1 fans - planning on going to Belgium in September for the race. We are going to go to at least one every year now. Already also have Devon booked for May when my husband finishes his degree -we are taking my daughter, her partner and their mad dog - so lots of long walks n sea air.
Not sure what Im having in the way of treatment yet - only had op on Thursday -waiting to see whether its rads, chemo or both. Whatever it is - hubby n i are going to have a naughty weekeknd away somewhere when its finished!!
Having a holiday to look forward to is positive thinking and just what the doctor ordered, but do check out holiday insurances before booking a holiday just in case. Remember that holiday insurance should be taken out when you book your holiday as you may need to make a claim if you have to cancel. We had booked 2 holidays last January, but had to cancel them after my dx in April, both due to my treatment being ongoing at the time of the holiday. Luckily we were able to claim back our monies paid.
Remember also that if you are still undergoing treatment when you book, your premiums may be very expensive or certain medical conditions excluded, particularly if you intend visiting places such as the USA where medical costs are sky-high.
Of course you can always decide to forgo holiday insurance, but make sure that you make the right decision for your own situation.
Enjoy your holiday wherever you decide to go - you have certainly earned yourself a break!
My husband is F1 mad, he would love to go. I went to Devon last year for a week with the kids, we stopped in Brixham but most of Devon is very pretty hope you have a lovely time
Haven’t managed the naughty weekend away yet as although week 3 in chemo is meant to be the good week, i have been ill both cycles, may sneak one in the middle of march when chemos over.
I love making holiday plans, gives us something to focus on when going through treatment xxxxxxxxx
Looked into insurance but was so high with insure pink they wanted £260 and that didnt cover if i needed to cancel due to treatment, i was told to wait untill i finish chemo and then take out an insurance policy.
Ive lost the deposit money for the Maldives so i am kicking myself a little but as soon as i finish chemo i will shop around for Florida
I hope to book flights to Italy, I’m holding back for now as waiting to see how my hair performs! I really don’t fancy being in mad heat wearing a wig. My last Tax 12th Jan, so thinking by Sept I could have a cute little short cut???
Also have plans to visit friends and relatives spread around England, Hert’s/Bed’s/Berk’s.
Hi PinkPrincess
I finished chemo Sept 2010 and Herceptin July 2011 and we went to Florida in October this year to mark the end of treatment etc.Also it was the holiday we should have had June 2010 but had to cancel as I was diagnosed 2 months before that.
I paid £75 insurance with Insurepink for Florida for 2 weeks.
Anyway just wanted to say have a fantastic time in Florida.It’s my favourite place to holiday and definately something you can focus on planning to get you through treatment:)
We’ve got a dirty weekend in York to look forward to in Feb - when chemo is over and my picc line is out - yippee!!
Then a fortnight in Morocco to look forward to in April/May !! It’s our 3rd time in 3 years - all very different holidays but something draws us back!! This time it’s an all-inclusive beach holiday to Agidir, so the best of both worlds for us!
As has been said before its great to have something to focus on!
i have already saved a few threads on here with details on holiday insurance companies, including the insure pink one. i am expecting it to be more expensive, but hopefully ones to europe not too bad. i am prepared for increase in cost, bit of b****r though.
Gosh here goes ,sorry but my hold seem boring compared to all yours but 2 nights in blackpool booked in jan to celebrate end of all treatment.
Then 1 week in the Isle Of Man (absolutely love it there) in june.We managed to get there last june for our silver wedding in-between op and chemo starting.The sun shined for us all week think it knew what a crap time we were having ,the holiday was amazing had our anniversary meal on top of the mountain at a lovely restaurant .travelled up on electric tram in the sunset and managed to see eng ire scot and wales and mann .
then blackpool again to see the lights in sept and if we can sneak it in a few nights in the lakes.
Lots i know but thats what we work hard for all year .
Sharon xxx
We love the Isle of Man too - in fact, Ian proposed to me on a steam train between Douglas and Castletown! There were loads of fuschias everywhere that time - always loved fuschias since then. Only drawback with Isle of Man is the crossing - had a dreadful crossing in 1998 - so bad we spent extra and flew back, cos we couldnt face the boat back!!!
Enjoy -love reading about all these plans. The woman in the next bed to me yesterday in the hospital is on dialysis 3 times a week - and has still managed to go to USA, South Africa, Greece and is planning a trip to Australia! Where there is a will theres a way…
It’s lovely to see all the different places we are planning on travelling too, defiantly great to have something to look forward to and we all deserve it xxx
So I didn’t lose money I changed it from June to November so only had to pay fees for changing booking - I hadn’t booked accomodation at that point.My treatment finished in July.
Had a wonderful holiday in Florida in October with my husband and the weather was great.My hair was still very short but was quite thick and passed for a very short cut.
I have travel insurance with my bank account and when I phoned it wasn’t a problem and since treatnent had finished didn’t have to pay any more although other sites I had tried wanted over £200,00.
We’re already looking at flights for 2012 and can’t wait.
Have a great holiday
Margaret x x x
Wish i was on holiday now, not feeling the love this morning, tired and grumpy with a grumpy 7 year old aarrgghh.
Love the thought of the ice hotel, need cooling down myself
any tips for those who have done Walt Disney world would be good, im doing the first 2 weeks on my own with 3 kids 12, 8 and 7 god i must be mad!!!
Happy New Year everyone xxxx feels like i was the only sober one last night, i look on my fb page and everyone is suffering with a hangover…My turn next week hopefully if i have tastebuds lol
I’m not sure where you are with your treatment, but we went to Disneyland Paris a few months ago. I’m sure USA is the same. I explained I had bc nd chemo etc nd get v v tired. They gave me a special ticket to get to the front of all ques (not FastPass que - actualy to the front). Felt odd using it at first but then really was appreciative of it as could do several things before a sit down. I took a hospital report with me as proof. This may help you!!
been to both but am planning a big hol for us all. only took my eldest last time but after today not sure i wanna take my little ones aaarrrgghhhh doing my head in xxxx