Home from hospital

hi gill wounder if u live in norwich i do had my surgery sept just plucked u courage to registar and chat i was diagnosed grade 2 had bilateral mastectomy only tamoxifen needed so i feel very lucky my daughter is 20 but she didnt take my breast cancer very well ihope u have nice xmax jules norwich

Hey Jules, I am near Norwich. Just out of hosp after bi-lat mast, done chemo over the summer. Hope you are doing OK now, but sorry to hear your daughter not taking things well.
This site is fab, so pleased you can join in - it has truly been a god send to me.
Take care and speak to you soon

Hi Ali and Cecelia

Ali - I just had level 1 nodes removed - so dont know how many - just up to a certain level of chest/armpit - will know how many when I get results - fingers crossed. Sorry to hear you had to go for more surgery. I know I am going to be back at hossie this week for seroma to be drained again - its building up already - but thats a quick procedure!!

Cecelia - I have been doing my exercises - altho not 5 times a day like it says - am managing 3 - but my arm movement has been pretty good since the beginning - altho I am in more pain now than I was post op. - maybe the numbness is wearing off??

Hope you all have a lovely xmas - I am still trying to pluck up enthusiasm!!

Love and hugs

Hi Fiona

That’s good, 3 times a day should be fine. But make sure you keep it up and don’t end up with awful cording like me! It will be more painful because the numb ness is wearing off. Glad your movement is OK, but keep it up!

Cecelia. x

Hi Jules & Ali
Yes I do live near Norwich-Hethersett. Where are you two?
Did you both go to the new N&N? Pre-op care was fantastic and it continued to be so after the op until the night staff came on-then absolutely nothing. No checks. no ‘are you OK’ or anything. Then got chucked out of my bed at 7.30am cos they wanted to get bed ready for next day. Had to sit in plastic chair for 3.5 hours before being discharged-all this the morning after my op!! Hope your experiences were better!
Now another c**ck up-was told I’d get my results on xmas eve but BC nurse just phoned to say there is no clinic on xmas eve! So not a happy bunny today-ho hum! sorry to moan!
Love Gill x

Hey Gill

Sorry to hear they have co***d up again - and please dont apologise about moaning - we all do it and it sounds like you have a right to. do you know when you will get results now?

Sounds like I was the opposite to you - the night staff came on at 9 30 - 10pm was drugs, then after that obs, aux nurse came in with fresh water, and drains were emptied at midnight - then the first couple of nights - more obs at 2 and 6 - I was dying for them to leave me alone - but felt ‘safe’ too.

Take care

Hi Gill, i am Jules from Horsford, sorry to hear you wont have your results for xmas, it seems an age waiting, i had my double mastectomy in september , luckily enough i had just taken out a private health insurance in february, so i was able to go to Bupa, it was like a hotel. My surgeon also treats NHS patients, he was great and treats all patients the same. I had senital node biopsy to check lymph glands, all came back clear. It seems drastic but i chose to have other breast off as well,tumour was grade 2, and do not need chemo or radiotherapy, just tamoxifen. I am 48 so i think it was to do with my age, i am not complacent, just feel very lucky. I hope you get on ok with your results. The Big C centre is great at N&N, lots of free advice and therapies, lovely free coffee !!.
Keep in touch.

Hi Jules
I live in Hethersett so not far from you! I actually got my results yesterday! Lynne (BC nurse) phoned to tell me all 11/11 lymph nodes were clear so like you-no chemo or rads just Tamoxifen for 5 years. Do you know of any side effects? Not meeting with consultant until 27th. I am also 48!! My tumours (had 2 both 21mm) were also grade 2. Had right mastectomy only on 7th dec.
Not yet been to Big C centre. let me know when you’re next going and maybe we can meet up for a coffee?
Good to hear from you
Love Gill xxx

hi gill i am so pleased u have such good news i have been on tamoxifen for three months i may have put on afeww pounds and my insomnia is worse but have not had any thing else i hear u can get hot flushes but small price to pay for being alive i go up to hospital on xmas eve for a reveiw of false breasts the ones they gave me not right i am gettin some self sticking ones i am getting bac to the gym tryin to get fit to go ahead with reconstuction what a journey i would not have beleived them if any body told me i was gonna go through this well better times for all of us strong womeni am at the big c centre on 2nd jan for the relaxation class u should check it out i will keep i touch give u my number if u want are u looking forward to xmas now u sound like ur doing reallya well after my op i was tererible for about month have nice xmas speak soon

Hi Jules
Think I’ve now developed a seroma-large swelling suddenly appeared that resembles a small boob so am going to see the GP this morning. Expect I’ll have to battle for an appointment due to last surgery before Xmas!!
It would be good to meet up at the Big C centre-I’ll ring them and enquire re relaxation classes. Not sure if we are allowed to swop no’s on this site are we? Do you use the other site?
Have a good day-speak soon I hope
Love Gill xx

Hi Gill

In accordance with the Breast Cancer Care terms and conditions we ask that you do not swap telephone numbers or any other personal information. It is also against the conditions to post links to any third party site other than recognised registered charities or relevant partners. (please refer to the terms and conditions)

This is to ensure every body using the site is kept safe. I hope you can understand.

Kind regards

BCC facilitator

hi gill iam only very new to computers and forums so didnt realise u could not give numbers out but i understand we know no doubt we will cross paths at some point i am in the city every week .i had seroma drained twice it didnt hurt and was a releif and my scarring is less red now have u had lots of support from ur family mine were great although i chose to go alone for most of my results etc i hope u have a rest at xmas i am going out to dinner this year thats a change from being tied to the kitchen speak soon and keep positive jules

Hi Jules
Am just off to Leics to spend xmas with my family. I chose to go to initial appointment on my own (very independent!!) as I was only referred for having sore, tender boobs-no lumps-so assumed all would be well!! Nearly fell off the table when mammogram & ultra-sound revealed 2 tumours in right breast!
Seroma still there-BCN said to leave it for a while to see if fluid absorbs back into body! Not painful so leaving well alone.
My family & OH have been wonderful-as have friends.
Possibly see you on 2nd Jan at relaxation class if I can get in.
Love Gillxx

Hi Gill, hope you returned from leicester safely, and had a good xmas. I am feeling very tired and lethargic, mainly due to xmas excesses. Tomorrows relaxation class will probably send me to sleep lol. Hope to see you there, if not keep well and have a good new year.