How do I know?

Hello Tiny,
Good to hear you are perhaps feeling a little less tired. Just take it all at your own pace.

Benchland is a fun thread - we are very mischievous on there and it’s quite easy to dip in and out of it. Please feel free to join in… and let your imagination go free!

Clare’s thread is very busy just now, lots of her supporters leaving messages for her.

Hope you are able to enjoy the weekend…

Thanks Revcat. We had a good weekend. We went up north (Stonehaven) for a Chrstening and managed a visit to an old friend.
The street we stay in had a street party and apparently it was wonderful - my eldest son and his girlfriend were both there. She had her face painted - a 21 year old tiger. He put himself into the stocks as no-one else had volunteered. They even had a visiting Queen who looked really like the real thing.
We arrived home and were able to go out and mix with some of the neighbours that I haven’t been able to talk to as I would usually chat to them when I was cutting the grass, which I’m not able to do now nowadays.

Sounds lovely Hazel… I don’t think I’ve been to Stonehaven yet, although I’ve been to northernScotand a few times.

I love the idea of a 21 year-old tiger and well done your son for going in the stocks - very brave

I am quite busy with the Glasgow West End Festival at the moment and looking forward to seeing the Olympic Torch pass by on Friday.

Hope you have many, many more lovely weekend to enjoy with your fmaily and friends.

Big hug.

I’ve got some good news for a change. My youngest boy came in yesterday and told us that he has passed his 3rd year university exams. He’s doing something to do with developing computer games. He’s only 19 so at the moment he’s hoping to go back for 4th year (an honours degree for those who know how Scottish education works. Yeah!

Fantastic news! You must be so proud of him. Brilliant that he’s going on to his honours year… whoop whoop indeed! SO glad for you - something for all of you to celebrate.

Hey Hazel
Good to hear your good news! Very impressive indeed and only 19! My son is only embarking on Uni next October at 20! He’s really excited about it. Hope you are feeling as well as can be today. I’m trying to get a bit of work done so eyes fixed on computer screen for too long! Hugs to you.
Tara xxx

Hi folks,

Just to give you a wee update. Last week I was diagnosed with jaundice. There are apparently 2 things that can cause adult jaundice, one is over use of steroids and the other is problems with the liver. Blood tests have shown that in my case it is the liver that is causing the problem. If it was the steroids they could reduce them but as it’s the liver, unless there is something temporary causing a problem I’m stuck with yellow eyes and an orange face. My kids laughed at me when I said I was a werewolf by night and an oompa loompa by night (people of a younger generation might not know what I’m talking about).
The news last week really took it out of me. With secondaries kicking in for the first time, I really feel that I am dying. There have been lots of tears in our house this week. My day hospice have amended my medications and it seems to be controlling any sickness. My slow release medication has been increased too and I’m sleeping better.
I’m not planning on doing daily updates, only when I remember, so take care people.
Best wishes to those who’s fights go on

Hi Hazel,
Just sending you a hug and hoping things improve soon. This is a horrid horrid disease, I really hope they get the jaundice in check soon.

Haya Tinyperson. There’s a lot to be said for being an Oompa Lumpa, I have secondaries in my liver so guess I could expect this at some stage. Am thinking of you…xxx

just popping in to send you a hug tiny person xxxx

Hi Hazel
Another liver (and bone, lung, lymph and brain) metster here. (and Scottish person to boot!) I’m thinking at this rate it’s going to be quicker to list the places I haven’t got mets!
Sorry to hear about the jaundice. Good that they are getting things under control with your sickness and you’re sleeping better. It’s so hard on our families - sometimes I think it’s harder on my husband and kids than on me. Hope yours are fussing around you and letting you know how much you are loved.
Laurie x

Hi Hazel,
just dropping by because you popped into my mind this morning. I hope that the medics have by now got things under control and that your family are sharing special moments with you.

Hugs of whatever size are appropriate!

Dear all
Tiny/Hazel was my wife.
She passed away on July 17th surrounded by all who loved her. At the end her passing was quite peaceful and she didn’t seem to suffer.
Sorry for the delay in posting but i only came across this forum today while looking for some other information.

For our family it’s been a hell of a year. Prior to Hazel’s passing, my young brother died in January @ 46 from a massive stroke and only just last month, Hazel’s Mum died from gall bladder cancer, so as you can imagine, I won’t be sorry to see the back of 2012.
To all who conversed with Hazel, thank you for your time and best wishes. She’s in a better place now and I know I’ll see her again some day.


So sorry to hear of your wife’s passing Ian. You have had a hell of a year and I hope things look up for you soon. Love n hugs

Just bumping up this post/thread as it seems to have been buried underneath all the others.
Ian, I am so sorry to hear of your loss and of the awful year, that you and your family have had.
Please accept my condolences.
Isobel x

So sad to read this - from time to time I have wondered if I would see a post to say that Hazel (Tiny Person) was now at rest, free from her suffering. She will be much missed by you, Ian, and by her children - how proud she was of them. Thank you for letting us know, and wishing you most sincere condolences.
(Thank you Iz for the BUMP)

RIP Hazel, free from pain.

To Ian,
I was so sorry to read about you losing Hazel.
I’m glad it was peaceful at the end. She had endured so much.
All your family must feel so numb with so many losses in such a short period of time.
I can’t imagine how hollow you must all feel.
I just wanted you to know that I hope 2013 will provide lots of healing experiences for you and your family and that you can begin to enjoy all those lovely memories of Hazel without being so very sad.
It is so hard…

Thinking of you.

Welsh girl x