How long did you wait for lumpectomy results?

I had my lumpectomy on 28th January an only just had my consultation with surgeon for results.
Due to go to oncology team on Monday to talk about next steps.
I have 6 months of chemo, radiation and 7 years of hormone therapy ahead of me but as of yet, until I speak to oncology I still don’t know what that entails x


Thank you for your response. I have now been back to see my surgeon to receive my lumpectomy results. I have also received my pathology report and have read all about this. It helps me to see it in writing.

It seems that one side of the tumour was very close to the chest wall, so they didn’t get an adequate surgical margin but they reassured me that the tumour was completely removed from breast tissue but that I would need other treatments - definitely radiotherapy, hormone therapy and possibly chemo to mop up any remaining cells.

A bit of me just wants to do “nothing more” and to hope my body can fight any remaining cancer cells, but cancer is cancer and there is a risk to doing nothing too.

I wish you the very best sa72 and hope your treatments will be “kind” and “curative”


……and you!! At least we are going through it together x
I’m so thankful there’s this forum in addition to the hospital team :heart_hands: it makes the journey less daunting xx


I am also at bristol, I’ve got to wait a month for my results as surgeon away on half term!


Good morning, to all our lovely ladies waiting for results, after my appointment at Guys hospital for a mammogram, I have been told the results are taking upto 6 weeks due to staff shortage and all test have to be read by two radiologist.

I know this doesn’t make life any easier for us when we are so anxious, wishing everyone health and happiness ahead.

With the biggest hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:


I finally got results today four weeks after original mammogram- was called back on a technical recall was utterly thrown by it . Radiographers were reassuring but until you see it in black and white hard not to worry - sixth year of this gets no easier but sounds like even worse in other areas


@stafford22 @Tili @Susanmanchester. Thank you all for your contributions. Tili I attend Guy’s Hospital, London Bridge for my pacemaker checks. I know how busy they are!

I heard this morning that an appointment has been made for me to see a lovely female Italian Oncologist next Friday. It will be my first opportunity to speak to an Oncologist about my breast cancer and to ask a few questions about what was found on my Pathology Report. One of my questions will be about the “close” surgical margin of 0.5 mm along the Posterior edge following my lumpectomy and whether this is regarded as truly negative or positive and the meaning of peri neural invasion which was noted on my pathology report? Never seen this mentioned here on this forum??

Stafford22 and Susanmanchester, I would like to be invited to attend those MDT (multi disciplinary team meetings) so that I could hear for myself what is being said about “me”. It is the waiting for results and then the waiting for an explanation of the results that is so hard for us cancer patients. There has to be a better way


Dear Angelina,

Wishing you all luck going forward, hope your oncology appointment goes well next week I feel sure you have everything to hand, please make some notes over the next few days.

As regards the MDT meeting not sure if you would be allowed to sit in on this, however you could asked the question.

Please let us know how your getting on

Biggest hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

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Thanks we never get to sit in on the MDT I guess we should just be grateful it’s several opinions not one as it was 20 years ago . The NHS really does its best for us all and despite its flaws we are very lucky. Hope all goes well for you x