how long do i have to wait

4 weeks ago i went to breast clinic with tenderness i right breast but no lump , had mamogram 1 week later , got told right breast fine but have calcifications in left breast and needed core biopsy ,which i had done 1 week ago , trying not to make a fuss but as much as i try not to think about it cant help but think about it , didnt get told how long i will have to wait for results could someone please tell me the averaage time to wait for results from core biopsy thankyou Tc


Its a rotten place to be in. Have they given you a follow up outpatients appointment? I had to wait for this to get my results.

Julia xx

Hi Tc,

From having the core biopsy to receiving results was a week with me… But I had a very obvious tumor as seen on ultrasound, so there was no doubt, sadly just confirmation… also waiting times do seem to vary from place to place. Could you not give the breast clinic a ring and ask them?

Hope all goes well

Fiona xx

Hi Tc,

From having the core biopsy to receiving results was a week with me… But I had a very obvious tumor as seen on ultrasound, so there was no doubt, sadly just confirmation… also waiting times do seem to vary from place to place. Could you not give the breast clinic a ring and ask them?

Hope all goes well

Fiona xx

Hi Tc,

From having the core biopsy to receiving results was a week with me… But I had a very obvious tumor as seen on ultrasound, so there was no doubt, sadly just confirmation… also waiting times do seem to vary from place to place. Could you not give the breast clinic a ring and ask them?

Hope all goes well

Fiona xx

Tc - They should have made you an appointment to go to a results’ clinic. Because of the postal strike, it would be an idea to ring and ask if they have booked you in. If not, why not? I had to wait two weeks for my results.

Good luck! Ann x

Hi Tc,

It took 2 weeks from having the core biopsy to receiving the results but, i do know that the histology only took about a week to gather the info but the breast care nurses, consultants & radiologists only meet up once a week and they go through everyones results so they have a plan of attack prepared for you if you’re unlucky enough to join us all.
should the news be negative(I sincerely hope that is not the case)may i suggest you ask for a copy of the histology report, someone advised me to do this and at the time it made no sense whatsoever, but as time goes by it all begins to make sense and you can feel as if you are in some control (wellI think i do!)
Hope this is of some help.
Wishing you only positive news Tc.
Big hugs
Stella X

hiim still waiting for my results a mamogramme a ultrasound and a biopsy, from 2 weeks ago, you are not on your ownx

I waited 3 weeks from core biopsy to diagnosis. That was 3 weeks ago and I am still awaiting a date for Masectomy. Although, I have appt this afternoon where I am hoping to have a date

It shoudl not be too much longer for you but you can always talk to a Breast Care Nurse if you are anxious.

Good luck
