How long do seromas last?

Hi guys, hope everything is going okay for all of you.


My mum had a mastectomy and lymph node removal about three weeks ago and has still got a very uncomfortable seroma… I’ve been trying to find out how long they generally last, but it all seems a bit vague (probably because people are all different) but just out of interest, how long did/ have people’s seromas last? 


We just want it to go so that she can get on and have radiotherapy (she’s already had chemo)


Thank you! 

Mine took 2 drainages and a couple of weeks but only put back the radiotherapy by 3 weeks altogether.Have they suggested draining it? It really helped. Hope your Mum sorted soon! xx

I don’t want to discourage you but I had 7 drainages since end of Jan. The seroma has now gone. The drainages gave instant relief but gradually came back over a few days. If they are small they will not affect the rads. My surgeon was really reluctant to start draining due to increased risk of infection. He changed his mind rapidly when he saw the half a football on my mastectomy side. I hope your mum gets relief soon. Xx

Don’t want to worry you . I had a bilateral mastectomy 9 weeks ago and I am still leaking through open scars which are packed and dressed every day by the district nurses. After my surgery I had a heamatoma down to my hip and huge seromas I sounded like a hot water bottle these were drained every other day then I had stoma bags attached so I could catch the leak. When this eased a bit I started to have them packed and dressed. I hope you don’t suffer anything like I am