Hi, I’ve just recently been diagnosed and I’m going through that awful waiting period to find out the biopsy results and treatment plan (it’s smile one minute and cry the next at the moment).
On average how long do you have to stay in hospital if you have a mastectomy? Do you have to make your own way home afterwards?
I had a single mx, no reconstruction and stayed for 2 nights. They were happy for me to go home after one, but it was nice to have an extra day of people looking after me. Also we live a fair distance away and its harder to orgsnise district nurses in the weekend for drain checks.
My partner picked me up and drove me home. Slowly…avoiding bumps …
You should be amazed at how comfortable you feel, I was surprised.
Hi Rosie
Your definitely in the worst bit but things will get soooo much easier when you have a plan.
I had single mx on 10th Dec, stayed in overnight only and had my drain removed before I left so home and comfy by lunchtime next day. Mainly discomfort and really not much pain. Top tip do the exercises and don’t sit still for too long as you’ll get stiff. You do make your own way home as I think they will ask who is looking after you but sure hospital can arrange if you need it.
Good luck, big hug any other questions just ask
Alison xx
I live on my own, and because I had kept everything secret, I had no one to take me to and from hospital. My GP and clinic arranged all the transport, ambulance and cars, for this, and appts when I was not allowed to drive. I did have to make bit of a fuss just once, and point out that without the transport and not being allowed to drive, I wouldn’t be able to get to hospitals …
They just wanted to know I had support when I got home, so because I live next door to our local health centre they were quite happy to send me home on my own.
Hi Rosie. My surgeon kept me in one night but does let some of his patients go home the same day. I had my drain for 2 days before going back to get it removed. I had no pain what so ever and no incidents other than getting stuck in the bath the first day because I couldn’t use my arm to lift myself out but showers from then on solved that problem. My Dad and stepmum stayed with me for 5 days to help out with cooking and housework. In the second week I was pretty much able to do everything (except Hoover which I told my 16 year old son I couldn’t do for 6 weeks so he’d have to help ha ha even though I could - wicked mother). I was driving too after 3 weeks. Good luck. X
Hi beryl xx lots love glad all went well xx I’m not up to short walk yet but am pottering !! Just need strentgh and district nurse says it’s because of double anaesthetic. ~ I’m a VERy unusual case though - don’t want to alarm anyone xx
Thank you so much for all the info. I live alone but I am sure one of my neighbours would pop in. I am about 6 mins walk from my doctor (excellent health centre with nurses etc), so hopefully that will score me enough get out of jail free points. The cats’ litter trays may get clogged up for a while but they do go outdoors as well. I am about halfway through waiting for biopsy results and treatment plan. Now every ache and pain is noted and worried about, funny that!
You are all so marvellous, I can’t thank you enough.
Hi - actually my recovery very slow - still in a lot of pain and unbelievably weak - certainly couldn’t manage a walk like you two troupers ! I have been assured that it will get better … Hope so as I am normally fit and healthy and it’s getting me down a bitx. My house like a florist and I know what you mean Lynda - I actually had a moment today where I thought " has this really happened to me" xx
Hi ladies, sorry to have gone AWOL from the boards recently and I am so pleased to hear that those of you who had surgery last week and the week before are out the other side and recovering now. Walking already? and in this weather? blimey, that’s impressive. Sarah it sounds as if you’ve had a particularly rough time of it, how are you doing now? Any top tips for those of us still waiting for the surgery? (I’ve got my front fastening jimjams and cardigan; my underarm cushion, my lipbalm and a box set of Game of Thrones ready :))
When do you all get your post-surgery biopsy results? If I remember correctly I think Rosemaryanne is due hers on Tuesday so if you’re reading Rosemary, best of luck!
Rosie, just wanted to say hello too and so sorry you’ve had to join us but everyone here is lovely and just so helpful. My BCN told me that I’d be able to use the London tube to get home after surgery but I’m only having a lumpectomy/sentinel node biopsy. Not sure I fancy it so I’ve taken the advice of the ladies on here and am going to come home in a cab.
Hi Rosemaryanne, very best of luck with your results today, you’ve had such a long wait I feel for you, very stressful.
I’m going in for my lumpectomy/SNB on Monday and the BCN said I could come home that day but I asked to stay in overnight as I’m on my own and a bit scared by the whole surgery thing (never had any before). I feel like a giant sissy for being so spooked as you’ve all had much more to go through than me. I suspect it is just that it has been such a long wait (was diagnosed 7 weeks ago now) that my imagination has run riot!
Do let us know how you get on as soon as you’re ready
Woohoo! Rose I’m SOOOOOOO chuffed for you, it’s wonderful news that you don’t need chemo! I know the extra surgery is a pain (literally) that you could do without but at least it will be over and done with quickly and then there’s no more nasty stuff to have to deal with (not sure if you’re having radiotherapy but that doesn’t sound too awful even if you do have to have it). Phew! That’s made my day