I have my DIEP booked for the 29th September. Doc did mention me stopping taking Tamoxifen for a while before op but it wasnt until this morning that I suddenly realised I hadnt asked when… My pre op is on the 18th should I leave it until then, or stop soon giving myself six weeks off the pills? Any advice?
thanks Vanessa
First I’ve ever heard about having to leave off the Tamoxifen.
I had reconstructive surgery using LD flap with expander; I take low-dose aspirin daily and was told to leave that off for a week prior to the op, but not a word about the Tamoxifen
It may depend on the type of . Im having a tram and have been advised to stop tamoxifen about 3 weeks before. There is a small risk of DVT from it due to the legnth of the op and time spen lying down after
I was told to stop taking it a week before the op and start again a week after. I rang my oncs secretary and she asked him. Hope this helps.
I was told 2 weeks before! I would call your PS’s secretary and ask her what he recommends…
I had tram flap and continued taking my tamoxifen the whole time I was in hospital, it was incl on my medication list, however also had a blood thinning injection every day due to long op and being bed ridden.
I was exactly the same as Debbie.
thanks ladies I will ring his secretary and ask. Bit of a mixed bag eh…
Hi Vanessa
Good luck with the op at the end of Sep.
Did you mention in another forum discussion that your surgeon’s Demetrius Evriviades? I had a DIEP at Haslar in March (the guy who did it is in Afghanistan at the moment) and I recently saw Demetrius as for some unknown reason the bottom half of my reconstructed breast suddenly turned bright red one morning! (It’s fine now, by the way!)
Let me know how you get on with the squadron leader as he’s offered to do some liposuction and refill in a few months - but I’m not sure whether to wait until my original surgeon gets back.
Hope you get an answer re Tamoxifen - and all the best with everything…
Lizzie xx