how will I cope?

Hi All
My cancer was 7 years ago and yes seem to be ‘all clear’ still. Great you are all saying so why do I feel so bad? Still on antidepressants, 3 kinds!! and see a psychiatrist and a psychiatric nurse for CBT, for the depression and the anorexia. Got 10 more sessions with the nurse and then on my own. How will I manage, it’s so scary,having had cancer seems to have ruined my life. Psychiatrist now thinks I’m bipolar
lol Rehana

Hi there

I can appreciate how you have felt and continue to feel. BC is devestating but it is important not to let it rule the rest of your life. I know from you having CBT you will have had all the advice relating to changing thinking and postive actions so won’t go there again. Please be reassured that we all deal with things differently. I am trying to focus on the positives of what I have in my life and try to allow myself only fleeting thoughts of my diagnosis of bc and all the treatment that came with it. I am a ‘new me’ and trying to embrace her into my life! By the way, I was diagnosed in August 2010 and just had my review and ‘so good so far’.

Take care, J.

Take care.