Hi Jacquie
Thanks for thinking of me, I’ve had five now (daily for 2 weeks) Went today but machine was broke!
Things keep getting worse, was also told today need to see somebody about heart cos of herceptin. Still coping - Just.
Thanks again, How are you doing?
Liz x
Dear Liz,
I was admitted to hospital as an emergency in Feb with 3 brain mets. Had steroids to shrink them initially before 5 WBR. Luckily I don’t mind scanners, masks, etc. Out of hospital after 10 days, on reducing steroids (2mg a day for the last few weeks) and herceptin every 3 weeks. Things seem to have settled down very well, so I am now reducing the dexaethasone again by half a mg every 10 days. Having head & body scans on Monday to check nothing lurking, but so far I’m feeling fine and not a little relieved.
Best of luck with the treatment.
Love, Lynn
Hi lynn,
I’ve got 2 more rads, to go the sooner they fihish the better I’m really bad in mask but they have cut some out for my face. Got steroids for 3 weeks in all and then stopping them I think. I am feeling a little better emotionally today for first time since dx. How do you feel generally, I’m scared once I finish the steroids I will feel really bad as just before dx i had started to feel drained, but dont know if this was cos brain tumour or because of something to do with heart, (also just been told last echo showed a problem).
Take Care
Liz x
Hi Liz,
Just started reading your thread.So sorry your having a hard time at the moment.Be brave!
I’m saving that seat for you at Cafe Rouge!
Loads of hugs,
Alli x