Thanks, Elinda

I am hoping that I may get some information from the doctor doing the biopsy. Last time, he seemed to know what he was looking at before they had the biopsy results - although he couldn’t tell that it was mixed ductal and lobular.

I don’t know if I am being stupid, trying to hang onto what I have. It is all happening so quickly - from just discovering a lump, to then having to face the possibility of a mastectomy, all within a few weeks. Although I have never been one to go with the flow just because I am told to, I do realise they have my best interests at heart and I am sure they will make sure I understand the choices I make.

I shall try and see the breastcare nurse when I go on Friday.

Ann xx

When I was diagnosed I asked my surgeon if the HRT caused my bc and he said ‘probably’ - I had a mammo in Sept - no lump - in June 2009 lump was 5cm but only grade 2 - but had grown quite rapidly - was on HRT from May 08. The bc is ER +. I also have a weight issue - apparently post meno fat creates a form of oestrogen too! I was also diag with uterine polyps in April/May again oestrogen fed so good old HRT in the limelight again. I am really suffering with the hot sweats etc at the moment will ask Bc nurse if anything else can help - what about evening primrose oil? I tried soya isoflavins and black cohash before begging my doctor for HRT.
Love and Hugs Lyn xxx


I have taken Evening Primrose Oil for several years. A friend recommended it because I had had several fluid-filled cysts in the left breast. I didn’t get any more but I now have bc in the right one. I have been on HRT for about 11 years and the surgeon also thought it was probably the reason. - also ER+.

I had to stop taking HRT ‘cold turkey’ nearly 3 weeks ago but am still taking EPO. I have not really had any problems, except my short-term memory is rubbish. I am not sure if I should still be taking it but have read varying advice.

We are not supposed to take Black Cohash or soya isoflavins, but I am not sure about EPO. Many of the ladies’ oncologists have suggested it, so until advised otherwise, I shall carry on.

Ann xx

Hi imperial blether yes I think it may have been responsible for my bc Iwas diagnosed in Jan and had to come off hrt straight away I had been on it for over 10 yrs.You could centrally heat our house with my hot flushes probably caused by my oestrogen inhibitor drug which is giving me awful carpal tunnel syndrome has anyone out there experianced this. Imperial I don’t think you should still be on hrt all the best janlan


Have you thought about trying EPO, or do you think it unwise? I think this is why I have not yet had any problems in stopping HRT.

I have now realised how common bc is. I read 1 in 9 women get it.

I do so wish I had discovered this site before I had bc. I am absolutely certain I would have stopped taking HRT years ago. My Mum had hormone receptive cancer at age 76, but I was told that did not make it any more likely that I would get it. Mm, not so sure now.
