I also have Angina, Hypertension, Dieabetic and now BC

What I want to know is :- This week I have now started having bad breathing problems and bad chest pains yet again, looks like my Angina has returned with a vengance! I had MX on 1st August DX with IDC (which they said was IDCS at first) I’ve been on Tamoxifan since 10th August but now wonder if the stress of BC has brought all my symtems back or I wonder if its the pills that dont agree. Does anyone else have this problem? I am off to the Doctor tomorrow but I am really depressed about it all. Yet again I am ill, I am sick of being ill!!!
PS I also have High Colestrol.

Hi loopyles

I dont have angina but I have developed Ovarian Cysts which I have to have a hysterectomy for next week…I have high Cholestoral and at my blood test on Wed now have High Glucose verging on the point of diabetes. If it dosnt drop will have to start medication. I also have ostepino in some parts.

I am on Arimidex. I had none of these until my BC diagnosis last oct. I think it is all a combination of the chemo and the tablets. I am hoping things will settle down soon.

God you;re as bad as me eh? I went to the doctor he s changed my pills so starting them today and hopefuly i can staart walking again soon. I ve just had a phone call from the JSA people and they told me I dont have to go for an interview and my money will go up on 1st October so at least thats one less worry cause I was really worring ove that too, was not looking forward to being assessed and examined by a stranger who wants to put me down whilst I couldnt feel any more down at the moment that would of just broke me I think I waiting to have Councelling now cause I just dont feel I’m going to get through all this, 6 week waiting liost for that!!! I hope you feel better than me but I mnot handling all this very well. My Doctor must of spent over 30 minutes with me y/day to try to convince me otherwise he was very very good, bless him.