I had an itchy rash all over - it started behind my ears then covered my face before moving all over - it lasted about 3 weeks but taking piriton helped. they reckoned it was an alleregic reaction.
Now though ive developed a massive inflammed area round the area of the mast scar - plus feel like ive been kicked in the ribs. went to hospital yesterday - got some antibiotics and painkillers (not that they seem to have touched the pain yet.) it seems to be one thing after another. yet on chemo & rads had no problems. oh well
I’ve not had a rash on my face though I have read of others that have, especially on the HER2 site.
I occasionally get the odd red mark on my chest which disappears after a week or so. I have been taking 5 x lapatinib since April 08 (along with the xeloda)
Hi Mabel, just found this thread again. Thanks for asking after me. I’ve had some strange red marks appear at my bra line and as this site was down I went to the GP. Apparently it’s only radiotherapy damage (from over a year ago) but I also asked to be referred to the Marsden for a 2nd opinion. He said that there was nothing to be gained by this as I was having the correct treatment but the problem was lack of communication from the onc team. However I have now been given the name of my new onc (seeing him next week - old one retired)and been told not to ask questions I don’t really want to hear the answers to as he is very open. I even had a chat to another new onc while having pamidronate and she has told me where my mets are. So quite a refreshing change. Just need to work out now what I want to ask the new onc.
I am on the LEAP trial taking Lapatinib in combo with Capecitabine. I am now on cycle 14 of this. The rash is a common problem with lapatinib and my research nurse has tried lots of things and now recommends Metronidazole gel on the skin and also an antibiotic called Minocycline (Acnamino) which is taken for one month when you first start taking lapatinib and then as directed if necessary. It certainly worked for me. I also take an antihistamine tablet (Cetirizine) every day which seems to keep the rash at bay. hope this helps.
Hi Jolanday,
Lovely to hear from you, so pleased things are going well.
Sounds like your new onc will keep you more informed, so ggod luck.
I’m doing Ok, thank you for asking.
Had a bit of a day with the Marsden today, lots of phone calls and an irate trial nurse, Grrrrrrr
Never mind tomorrows another day!!
As an ex-member of the lapatinib (LEAP) study (now closed) I can testify to the beneficial use of lapatinib and capecitabine (Tykerb and Xeloda for anyone viewing the US website for HER2+ breast cancer). I reversed and delayed progression of my brain tumours for 12 months with relatively few side effects. Lapatinib has received a UK licence and can therefore be prescribed privately but as I understand matters it is rarely covered by private health insurance (as it is in tablet form)and is expensive as already mentioned. It is interesting that it is the subject of a trial as a preventative treatment in the same way that Herceptin was (I was also on the HERA trial which resulted in the outcry for the use of herceptin asa preventative treatment). I have been told that certain NHS Trust’s are making Lapatinib available and it is being prescribed.