I think it's getting worse - please help!!

I have posted this for new user Charlotte
Jo, Facilitator

Hi there

I recently posted a discussion 2 or 3 weeks ago about discovering a lump on my breast near my mole, I saw the doctor on the 14th November and she reffered me to the hospital, I finally got my appointment for the 10th of December. However my concerns are growing I’ve been trying constantly to get an earlier appointment but its just not possible. Last night I was laid in bed feeling the lump like I have been every night since I found it, I noticed something a few weeks ago around the area where my lump is and felt around it last night and its getting bigger I dont know what it is, if its fatty tissue, fluid, something to do with the lump or part of the breast? my partner had a feel and realised it too! i’ve also noticed that my left breast is bigger than my right. Now i know that its always been slightly bigger than the right breast but it seems to have gotten even bigger! it also seems slightly swolen, the area around my nipple seems drooper and has grown a little bit on the bottom. I havent got a clue of what is going on! Im so scared! before I just thought to myself that it was probably just a cyst but things just seem to be getting worse! I’m only 26 and of course I was trying not to think of the worse cause its so unlikely that it can be BC, I just want to have my appointment now! to put my mind to rest i feel like i’ve been waiting for ages

Hi Charlotte, did not see your original post? I am sorry to hear that you have to wait until the 10th Dec., for your appointment. I know that waiting and not knowing is the worst of all in this situation.

I can only offer you the reassurance that everyone on this website is there for everyone else, if you know what I mean? We all support each other as best we can, and trust me when I say that there is much humor among the threads here, as well as really good advice. Keep posting and I am sure that many will reply to you, some who may be in the same possition as you. We are all at different stages and will all answer any questions that you may have, as best we can.

Keep strong, sending you possitive vibes and hope that all turns out well on the 10th. Keep us posted with your news, would be nice to hear from you again.

C xxx

Hi Charlotte

I am sorry to hear you having to wait until the 10th, I can only say that I understand and the waiting is very very hard. If you need to shout, cry, scream on here please do, I can assure you we have nearly all of us been through a massive range of emotions ourselves, so we do understand.

Like tawnyowl, all I can say is hang in there and I hope the news is good for you. Please do let us know if you feel up to it, there are so many people here who can help you through.


i’m new here too and just want to let you know your not alone, it’s horrible waiting. i get my results 2morrow or friday and feel sick! But i’m not sure if i have a bug or whether it’s worrying. Hang on in there, the 10th will come and u’ll feel betta knowing something.
I really hope all will be well for you- best wishes and take care of yourself.

It’s amazing how ill stress while waiting for appointments and results can make you.

Most tumours are slow growing, even the aggressive grade 3 type (which I had) rarely grow that fast. When I was diagnosed it felt like every second counted but the tumours don’t grow that fast usually so they felt there was no harm in waiting a few weeks, so don’t panic about a few days as statistically it’s unlikely to be cancer and even if it is a month is OK. I saw my GP early Jan this year and was diagnosed a few weeks later, at the moment all is well.

Good luck though. Hope it’s nothing serious for you.

Good luck for your appointment next week. Will be keeping everything crossed for you.

Judy x

I have posted this on behalf of users Charotte.

Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Thanks everyone for all of your support, Its just a horrible feeling and situation to be in, Im hating the fact that I dont know anything, I have so many questions and so little anwsers, I understand that everyone’s cases are different I just need to know! But I know that I’ll only get my anwsers after my appointment and tests unless I have to wait for the results which will be worse



Hello again Charlotte. I really do know how you feel - honest! I was there (where you are in your head) only four months ago and can still remember all the horrible feelings of uncertanty until I got my results and knew what I was dealing with. It is very natural to have all these mixed bag of feelings. For myself, I found the weeks before dx the worst part of all.

I am going to recommend something that I was advised to do, by a very dear friend of mine who had BC 4 years ago. She said that I should go to my GP and tell her everything about how I felt, was sleeping (or not as the case was!), and to ask her for a mild antidepressant. She agreed and perscribed me “Citalopram” but your GP would know whats best for you.

Now this is something that is a very personal option and you may not want to go down that route, but I must say that it has really helped me a great deal. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my wobbles. Had one this moring before going to the hospital for my 2nd chemotherapy, but all went well!

My Oncologist, Consultant and all the other professionals are happy for me to take these. The important thing to remember is that these antidepressants can take from 4 to 6 weeks to really work properly i.e., be in your system. In my case that meant that because I took them from the start (before I got my results), and had been taking them for 6 weeks before surgery and chemo, I seem to have sailed through in a strangely “composed” manner.

Anyway sweetie, been rocking my brains since reading your post. Just wanted to give you something “possitive” to consider. Good luck and keep us posted!

Hugs Chrissie xxx

Posted on behalf of Charlotte

Thanks Chrissie

Not quite sure if i’ll be getting tablets I’ve already been down that sort of road when I split up with my husband, I managed without them and I’m sure I’ll be ok now, but thank you for the advice
The date is now starting to dawn on me now, I started freaking out a little bit on Friday, just paniking more than anything else, now I dont want to go I’m scared of finding out what it might be. I also got a phone call from the hospital today to confirm my appointment, I honestly thought they’d rang to cancel it! I stared crying as soon as I put the phone down, I actually feel physically sick thinking about it! I went to the pub last night to see a few friends and all I can think about is “what if” and hearing my friends moan on about the most trivial little thing it winds me up so much! try having worring things like i’ve got on my shoulders. Not many people know and the ones who do are being great just trying to put my mind at rest. My boyfriend is being really supportive, he actually came home after work today with a boquet of flowers for me, he’s been great! dont know how I would be if he wasnt here.

Well 4 more sleep to go for my appointment, do they actually tell you there and then what it might be? or do they need to make an another appointment with you? I would be great to find out on the day.

How did you find yours? are you ok now?


Posted on behalf of Charlotte
Jo, Facilitator

am I being such a bad person for getting drunk and trying to forget about it! Ive got such a good social life im so scared of loosing it, I smoke and i know its a bad thing but am i wrong for just thinking "screw it! should i do what makes me happy?