Today was chemo no.2 and i walked into the hosp with my scarf on to cover my bald head…But walked out with it off!! And went to hubbys work without it on too…
Feel so proud of myself and might even attempt a walk to the shops without it!!
Hope you ladies are all well?xxxxxx
Well played Lol, good on you girl
EXCELLENT!!! Congratz…
whey hey well done you.
Hi Lauren
How is it all going? Ok by the sounds of you. I am starting Chemo on Tuesday, sort of looking forward to it in a weird sort of way. Well done you on the baldy head! hope I can be as brave although got a wig today and it is actually quite nice, longer hair than I have had in a long time and a lovely blonde colour. Let me know how it is all going
Best wishes
Debs x
hi Lolly - I bet you’ve got a ovely head and neck!
I saw a programe on Sky TV today about the 25 most stylish (how sad is that???/) and Natalie Portman got a mention - partly due to her beauty when bald …
and they said what I’ve known all long - you can look FAB if you’ve got a good-shaped head and pretty neck …
love FizBix xxxx
(thank goodnes I’ve still got some hair as I have a HUGE LUMPY head and a thick bull-like neck - am a taurean - if my hair does go i will make Yul Brunner look like a delicate flower …)
God thats fantastic - well done you! I struggled to walk out of the house with a scarf on so think you are brilliant
WELL DONE YOU!!! That’s amazing!!
Maureen xx
Lolly you are ALWAYS brave, your the bravest person I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. You are always so positive, happy and a delight to talk too!!
Your courage never ceases to amaze me sweetie.
Hugs and love to you and speak to you soon on facebook.
Jules xxxxxxx
Hi Lolly
I bet you look just like your baby now!! Well done and hope you are not so poorly after dose 2 yesterday. I am ok but looking really tropical as the red face has come inreally early this time. Are you on the ‘look good’ day
Lily x
Congratulations Lolly - wish I had the guts to do it - I’ve only done it by accident whilst working on the farm., so the neighbours have seen me,. but that’s it!
Ah thanks ladies…I have this strange line of hair across my head that doesn’t want to leave me, so looking very much like little Joshy but he has more hair!!
Lily i am bright red too…snap!! How are you otherwise?? Chemo wise side effects hardly any apart from swollen veins…do u inject yourself the following day? I’m getting a little bone pain and have a sore throat but otherwise ok…Doesn’t help that Josh was up half the night and i hardly slept, and have to be tied down to rest otherwise i think i’m the duracell bunny!! on and on…blah blah…
So, having a mini rest in bed with a cup a soup whilst kiddies are running nanny riot!!
Lots of love to you wonderful ladies.xx.x.x.x.x.x. keep smiling!!
Lolly, you were my inspiration today as I took my newly almost bald head to school to drop off my little girl with nothing covering it. Got a few stares but coped ok! Glad you are not feeling too bad after no 2 - mine not till next week now after cock up with no 1. Thanks once again for the inspiration to be brave!!! LOL XXX
Well Done! You’ve gone one step further than me as i haven’t been to shops yet!!! Why should we feel the need to hide away? We’ve nothing to be ashamed of, and god forbid anyone who says otherwise!
I have to look at that awful amy winehouse in the paper every day, she looks awful but doesn’t care who sees her…yuk!!