Ideas for managing Letrozole Side Effects

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to pick your brains on best ideas for coping with the following side effects of Letrozole that I am experiencing 6 weeks in…
Insomnia - waking at 2-3am every morning. Does taking tablets at night make any difference?
Dry vagina (with added stress incontinence!) - Best moisturisers? or is coconut oil the best option?
Furry face - am starting to resemble a rabbit! hair on side of my face growing faster and longer than the hair on my head.
Look forward to tapping into the collective wisdom and experience
Love Tulip xxx


Hi Tulip, my recommendation for vaginal dryness is Hyalofemme which can be bought from Amazon either as a one off to try or on subscription. I tried the lot - Replens (full of parabens), Vagivital, Yes! moisturiser and others I’ve forgotten. None have been as effective as Hyalofemme. It stings a bit to start with but it’s just repairing the damage that has been done by removal of oestrogen. Recommended.

Thank you Tigress. I just looked up Hyalofemme and see that it is available on prescription. I will certainly give it a try. Love Tulip x

I use yes vaginal moisturiser and also topical oestrogen cream . I take my letrazole at night and seems to help with some of the side effects

Hi pitters, many thanks for your suggestions. Maybe i will try taking the letrozole at night to see if it makes any difference to the insomnia. Love Tulip x

I take Tamoxifen as I was allergic to Letrozole but side effects are similar.
I found taking Tamoxifen late afternoon/early evening the best to minimise side effects. But it is worth experimenting to see what time you tolerate best.
My BCN sent a note to my GP requesting they prescribe Hyalofemme as this was the one she recommended and its available on prescription. It was the best of the vaginal moisturisers but still not as good as vaginal hormone cream. Unfortunately you cannot use hormone cream with Letrozole although you can with Tamoxifen.
I found my eyelashes and eye brows started disappearing even faster than normal so I use UKLash. I also dye my eyebrows as it makes the few hairs more visible!

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Yes moisturiser is also available on prescription aswell as lubricant. have info on moisturisers which is worth a read How Do I Use My Vaginal Moisturiser?

I’ve tried Replens and Sylk in the past. I’ve found Yes less irritating.

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I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from the dreaded insomnia.

I have suffered from it for the 5 years I was on an AI. Anastazole was the worst (5 days out of 7) and letrozole the least worst (3 days out of 7). My problem was that if something jarred me awake as I was dropping off (hubby twitching, hubby nipping to the loo, foxes carousing etc) then that was it, wide awake, till 3 or 4 in the morning.

It didn’t matter what time I took the pill - just the same.

I am so pleased (and sorry you will have to wait for this) is that as soon as I stopped the pills a few weeks ago I realise I can sleep again.

As for vaginal dryness - I was prescribed vagirux by my GP . It has warnings about giving it to BC patients as contains low dose oestrogen but I was assured by GP, BCN that it would be fine as topical pessary. My oncologist said that ‘the jury is still out’ but would would allow me to use it if non-hormonal stuff did not work. I do have some still, but am now on hyalofemme too (not prescription) . Funnily enough that did sting like crazy while I was still on the pills, but now I have stopped it no longer does.

Oh yes - and I have a hairy chin - feel like an old witch!

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Hi jan-del-mar, thanks for your helpful suggestions. I just knew this was the best place to ask questions! I have made a note of your recommendation. Am using almond oil as a stop gap for now but if this is how things feel after just 6 weeks…gawd help me! Love Tulip x

Hi naughty-boob, thanks for your suggestions and weblink. Looks good. I am very grateful for your advice. Love Tulip x

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Hello willowherb, I am so pleased to hear that you are off the AIs at last! Oh happy day! My end date is ten years away but I’ve asked for a review after five if I’m still here and certainly won’t take for more than seven. The BCN suggested lavender oil but I already have several lavender bags under my pillow. Not sure if taking at night (another BCN suggestion) will make a difference as the wretched stuff is in the body for 3 days accumulating but I guess I should try that and see. Thanks for the moisturising ideas of which I have made careful note. Love Tulip x

Hi Tulip, because i have other prescriptive drugs that i take i actually take Letrozole between 11am and 2 pm.12- 14 hours later i have a bowel movement.
I take my antihistamine before breakfast and one hour later take Verzenios my abemaciclib. I take the 2nd Vz before bed. During breakfast i take various supplements - Evening primrose and cod liver oil plus multi vitamins and acidophlus. After my evening meal I take Calcium/magnesium; Glucosamine, chrodroitin With MSM, plus D3 [better than the Adcal they offer].
I use E45 and find it the best moisturizer, the Lanolin makes a difference.
Its less greasy and doesn’t have any contra indi ingredients. I have Type IV allergies and a few Contact type, but the E45 doesn’t agravte. i get this on prescription in the 500ml Pump bottle. If i do wake in the night its usually because my mind has concerns over an incident in the day. Then I use Reiki or mindfulness to return to sleep after a large glass of water - in case its dehydration related.
i can’t offer any solutions re hair growth, but will suggest you become aware of any dryness in the soles of your feet which could relate to Peripheral Neurotherapy, numbness of nerve endings. [aparently they are now trialling doing cold therapy for feet and hands not just the head during chemo].
My sister had breast C over 10 years ago, and the numbness was a side E back then.
She was simply advised to be wary of walking bare foot.
I’m sure you will be inundated with plenty of ideas, even though i’m only online once a week, there are plenty in the forum and plenty with great advice to offer. keep us posted. PS I use Coconut oil on my toast in the morning, helps keep cold viruses at bay. But then so does the Honey in Cider vinegar with H, that i make and drink at breakfast. Love and hugs, and Happy New year for tomoz, xxx

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Hi everyone I was diagnosed in May with stage 2 invasive ductal cancer will no indication it was in lymphs. I was put on Letrozole and am having lumpectomy in a couple of weeks.
I take my medicaton at breakfast and am struggling with the hot flushes especially at night I wake up drenched in sweat and have to get up and change my nightwear. I shoukd add I am 76 and normally very fit and active but the fatigue has hit me too! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hi @anniemac1
Welcome to the forum and so sorry to hear of your diagnosis.

I posted a thread about how I have helped my menopausal symptoms

Hope it helps🥰

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