I'm going to be a granny

Have recently emailed you, good to hear from you and specially with such lovely news!
Hope scans go well. Had my latest CT last week and got onc appt next week so hoping for good news too.
Kep in touch,love Julie x

wonderful news xxx

Congratulations on becoming a granny, such great news. My first grandaughter was born 4 years ago after my primary diagnosis and my second was born just after secondary diagnosis, they are an absolute joy and really take you away from all our problems, becoming a granny is absolutely wonderful. Good luck for Monday,

Take care
Marina x

Great news Lemongrove!

I too have been wondering what you’ve been up to! How lovely to have something so special to look forward to.

Take care xx

That’s lovely news - congratulations to you and your family!

What fantastic news, Lemongrove! Thank you very much for sharing it.

Congratulations - am so pleased for you, after all you’ve been through!

With much love,
Shelley xxx

Hi Lemongrove,

Congratulations. When you have a daughter that seems so focused on her career you think grandchildren will never happen so I know how you feel. You must be thrilled.

I am impressed that you are considering child care for three days a week as well. That is really inspirational and obviously means that you are coping well with what ever maintanance treatment you are on.

I keep looking for the posting you made about 5% of women reaching NED status but can’t find it. I am using that statistic as part of a visualisation and found it a really interesting. Although it is a low %, when you consider how many women have this horrid condition that is still an awful lot of women.

I just want to tell you that I have found your postings really interesting and helpful. You have obviously done loads of research and are very knowledgable about the subject.

Anyway congratulations. I hope the pregnancy goes well.

Best wishes.


Hi Lemongrove, and congratulations also, such fantastic news, I am sure you are going to make a great grandmother, best wishes and hopefully your scans will show be stable and all will be fine. Its so nice to read some good news and not cancer related.
Sending love and light
Sarahlousie xxxx