Hi All
Had ultrasound on my recon boob yesterday. As you may have read onc thought it slightly unusual that it was still quite firm on the edge round the top and there is a piece at the side that is hard.
Surgeon and breast consultant said can take 2 years so I’ve not been bothered, and when last seen in June no comments made. Anyway at onc appointment in August he arranged the ultrasound.
Very nice consultant radiologist did scan and went over and over again, eventually said I was an unusual case as he did not get to see many TRAM recons as it was no longer breast tissue. He said that as it went round the edge at the top it looked as if it was all part and parcel of the recon and I will get an appointment.
I have Herceptin on Monday, MUGA scan on Tuesday to check heart function because of Herceptin. So God knows when this appointment will be. Good job I’m still only working part time and I can do what hours I want. (Thankyou boss Mark).
I went for a walk last night with hubby, we went round one of the local resevoirs, just a mile and flat, I made the pace and was determined to do my best as after my hols last week felt so much better. We did it in 35mins - not bad eh. Still struggle on slight slopes and stairs though and hills have me knackered.
I’ve decided that I’m going to walk the Race for Life next year, my cousin is doing it with me. Never could run and I’m not starting at 56.
See you all later
Marilyn x