Immunotherapy horray's please - as I'm losing my nerve

Hi Siggi, sorry for the delay in replying. So its been 2 weeks since my first zolodronic acid (zometa?). Side effects - achey joints and slightly upset tummy. All tolerable compated to what we went through with chemo and immuno.
Hope you are doing ok. Pxx

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Hi Tilly
I am having 6 in total, so will take 3 years.

Travel insurance, well , I cd write a book about it. All the specialist ins companies turned me down when i travelled post chemo and then again after surgery. Including specialist ins co that deals with BC patients!
I eventually went to Saga and it was v simple. Cost about £80 for 10 days in spain.
I then bought an annual policy which included skiing. Cost £340 and will post name when i can remember it. But Called something like Allclear Travel. V nice to deal with at outset.

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@philippaa Hi, thank so much for your feedback - really appreciate it. May I ask how long did the achy joints and slightly upset stomach last? Was it for a day or several days? I have heard these are quite common symptoms. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Strength to us all. Love, Siggi

Hi Siggi, off and on for 2 weeks.
Still a bit affected at moment but wondering if aches are menopausal and tummy is now because of immuno. Its prob a mix of zolodroni, meno and immuno! Px