I wondered if any of you have had an implant only reconstruction after having a full mx and radiotherapy?
If yes, why did you go down this route? What did the drs say about it? How has it worked out for you? Has the skin coped ok?
I had a bilateral mx in Dec 2010 after a diagnosis of BC October 2010 and BRCA1 confirmation shortly after. I had immediate implant-only recon, but then a new primary 6 months later. I then had to have the implant removed and an excision of the new cancer and and the skin flap, followed by rads. So I now have implant on one side and flat on the other. At the time I was told that the only realistic new recon would be with my own tissue in due course, but I would prefer to avoid that. One surgeon has said we could talk about implant only later in the year but I don’t know how realistic that is. I know that the skin has been affected by the rads and that implant only is not necessarily the best approach but I would like to know of anyone who has gone down this road rather than an own tissue recon.
thank you