implant problems - poss removal? advice pls

Hi girls, im 2 weeks post implant removal on good side and had my stitches removed yesterday - all seems to be healing ok and no sign of the infctn at present. I willhave to have a scan in a couple of weeks just to check. But know what you all mean about the final straw, just dont expect this type of hitch at, for me, the last hurdle.

Sharon, I dont wanna scare you but just wanted to let you know once mine had broken through tht skin my surgeon said that there was no way I could keep the implant in at that point, risk of further infctn and it was removed within 2 days at next available surgery time. Have to say it feels so much better to have it out, have felt awful for the past 5 weeks while they tried to save it, although not looking forward to further surgery, but have to do it as dont like the ‘odd’ pair i have now.

Good luck all of you that are suffering with these horrid infections.

Hi All
ness1, Glad to hear you seem to be healing well , fingers crossed things go up from here for you.
The advice I had about removal was the same as yours-said it was just too big a risk once they could actually see the implant.
As you say, the last straw-it is a kick in the teeth isn’t it? I was getting used to a new sort of normal and enjoying things-got some hair again, breast looking okish…But will get there again, on the way!
Sharon I hope the ABs are doing what they need to and the nurse checks are ok, all best for Friday.
And to all of you on here xx

Hi all
saw the bc nurse today, she seems to think that my hole is healing despite “gunk” still coming out every morning when i change the dressing! She says it will take weeks and weeks for the hole to fill in but its heading in the right direction!
Work have refused to let me back to work because i have an open wound so although i feel ready to at least do a desk job i feel like ive been knocked back again! “normality” seems like such a wonderful word all of a sudden!!
sharon, good luck on fri.

hugs to all

deed x

Deed,glad heading in the right direction, but so sorry to hear about that knock back-all you need when you crave a bit of normality as you say.
Hugs xx