Hi ladies, wondered if you could help!!!
I posted on here in feb and had some lovely helpful ladies give me reassuring comments. I have noticed a couple of weeks ago that i have an indentation/ dimple in my right breast (9 oclock position) the skin is sunken and my areola sinks in with it. I can see this most prominent when i am in the bath and my skin is warm but when my nipple is cold and perks ? i cannot really see it. I have taken pictures on my phone to which it is quite obvious that the dimple is there but is this strange and would BC present like this? I can feel lumpyness generally but nothing prominent.
It is the same breast that had the 3cm mass and multiple scattered cysts( this is what my letter said from consultant) which all looked on US benign. The consultant said i had to be very breast aware and that any new lump needs investigating in its own right.
I am sooooooo fed up
jojo xxxx
Hi jojo
Sorry to read that you have further breast problems, in addition to the peer support you will soon have here you are welcome to call our helpline team to talk through your concerns on 0808 800 6000, the lines are open 9-5 during the week and 10-2 on Saturdays
Take care