Infected seroma

Hi I had my mx 6 weeks ago and thought everything was going well! Until last thurs that is, my wound site just didn’t feel right and I had slight redness and a temperature, so went straight in to see bc nurse. They looked and gave me antibiotics. Well on Monday I had my rad planning, but I was still concerned about my infection, so mentioned it at the meeting, they basically said they would not g ahead with the planning and to go back to bc nurse. So back upstairs they look at me again and decide to drain a little off to see what’s going on…they drained 70ml of grey disgusting puss. Bc said no wonder you have been so sore. They have sent some off to test to find out the bugs and my sensitivity levels so they can find a more suitable antibiotics for me. Obviously I’m now panicking as to what’s caused the infection and whether they will be able to sort it!!
Has anyone else had a similar thing happen to them? I’m so upset as I was doing so well and honestly thought I’d sail through 3 weeks of rads and be out the other end by beginning of nov :frowning:

Hi Katsteer

I am sorry to read that you are having such a difficult time right now

Whilst you await replies from your fellow users I just wanted to add that you are very welcome to call our helpline for further support and information, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Take care


Poor Katsteer
It is horrible for you to get an infection, but hopefully once they get the results of the micro culture you will get an appropriate antibiotic and it will clear up. To have Radiotherapy following a mastectomy needs accurate measurements in order to treat the chest wall properly. If you have a swelling that might be reduced by draining or revovery from an infection the measurements will not be accurate. It is normal for them not to give you radiotherapy until things settle down.
Any wound can become infected during and after surgery. It is so disappointing for you to have this problem when things were going so well. Poor you. I hope you get it cleared up soon. As Lucy says do give the Helpline a ring. I found them so knowledgable and reassuring when I had worries during my treatment.
I hope all is well soon.

Hi Katsteer
Poor you. A similar thing happened to me - I had a mx with immediate implant recon at the end of April, and have been having chemo. A week before my last chemo was due (so more than 4 months after the op) I developed a seroma and infection. They don’t know why - so I’m putting it down to ‘just one of those things’. They took a swab to make sure I was on the correct antibiotics, my surgeon saw me and decided to put me on IV antibiotics followed by oral antibiotics, wich seems to be doing the trick. (I think he treated it with IV antibiotics to try and save the implant).
It’s frustrating when complications arise, especially when things have been going ok, but I think it’s reasonably common to get some problems. I post on a chemo forum, and one of my buddies there advised taking things one day at a time - good advice. My return to work will be delayed which is a bit frustrating, but I’m trying to not think about a definite end date for treatment, and just enjoying feeling better each day.
Wishing you a speedy recovery,
Alix xx