Mum has breast cancer, she has had her lump removed and 16 lymph glands. Her drain was removed early because of an infection, since then she has been on different antibiotics but nothing is working. We went to see the oncologist(sorry about spelling) Monday and now she has got to have a mugoscan on her heart to see if it will be alright for her to have chemo, if not she will have a different type. It is all getting a little confusing and frustrating for both of us, it seems to be one step forward, two steps back. She is my world and I don’t know how to help her more.
Hi Lezlea
Sorry to hear about mum and all the complications. Yes, it can be a minefield. You are given so much information it can be difficult to take it all in or even understand what you are being told.
It sounds like you are already being a rock for your mum. Just to let you know, I am 34 and have breast cancer and am having chemo at the mo, my mum has had breast cancer three times (the first time I was 7 years old) and she is also on chemo for ovarian cancer. And like you my mum means everything to me.
The helplines offered by BCC are really very good. I have used them to get advice about myself and my mum. They sent me information about the different cancers/ treatments etc which I read and then gave to mum.
Some people want to know everything about the situation (like me) and some people don’t. Unfortunately everyones cancer journey is individual and there can be complications along the way. My mum was treated fairly badly this time round and I too felt helpless and upset. But just by being with your mum when she goes through this with her will be of great help. And use resources like this, call up the helpline or email them for help or advice.
Your mum is being looked after although it can seem confused at times. I wish all the best for your mum and you.
Thanks Nardy, will look up BBC site lezleaxx